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Award for the Doctoral Thesis of Andreas Steigmiller

Ulm University

The dissertation of Dr. Andreas Steigmiller, supervised by Juniorprof. Dr. Birte Glimm, has been awarded with a prize of the Thomas Gessmann-Stiftung

The doctoral thesis of Dr. Andreas Steigmiller entitled "Optimisation of Tableau-Based Reasoning Systems for Expressive Description Logics" (supervisor: Juniorprof. Dr. Birte Glimm) has been awarded with a prize of the Thomas Gessmann-Stiftung. The prize comes is endowed with an award of 10.000 € and is awarded by the Thomas Gessmann-Stiftung every two years at a university in Baden-Württemberg. The prize is handed over during the graduation ceremony of the faculty on July 15th, 2016.