Navigating in Complex Process Model Collections and Related Enterprise Process Information

Ulm University

Fakultätsöffentliche Vorstellung des Promotionsvorhabens (Grüner Vortrag);

Markus Hipp, Raum: O28/H21, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr, Datum: 19. Februar 2014

Although process-aware information systems (PAIS) have been adopted in enterprises for many years, they still do not properly connect the business processes they implement with related enterprise process information such as guidelines, checklists, templates, or e-mails. On one hand, process management technology is used to design, implement, enact, and monitor business processes. On the other, relevant process information is usually spread over multiple and heterogeneous sources like shared drives and enterprise information systems. To bridge this gap, enterprises often manually link process information with processes and process tasks respectively. However, respective solutions need to be manually maintained by administrators as static process models are connected with static document lists providing manually selected process information. What is needed instead is an integrated, personalized and more dynamic access to process models and related enterprise process information.

The overall goal of this PhD project is to enable process stakeholders to flexibly interact with and navigate within process model collections and related process information. Picking up this demand, this talk will present an advanced approach enabling a flexible process navigation and visualization. After motivating the need for such a navigation support in the context of PAIS, the talk will present an integrated navigation space comprising three navigation dimensions (i.e., semantic, geographic, and view). Moreover, it will show how this navigation space can be applied and how first steps towards a validation of the developed navigation approach look like.