39th MoMAN Seminar - PD Dr. Wolfgang Thaiss

Zeit : Mittwoch , 16:00
Ort : online via Zoom,

Title: Medical imaging with PET/MRI – current clinical applications and research

Speaker: PD Dr. Wolfgang Thaiss
Dept. of Nuclear Medicine/ Dept. of Radiology, Ulm University Medical Center


This talk will briefly recap the concept of hybrid imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) combined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before focusing on clinically relevant applications of PET/MRI as well as research aspects addressed by the core facility.

Research topics include technical aspects and clinical applications in cancer imaging (prostate cancer, rectal cancer, thyroid cancer, myeloma, bronchial carcinoma, oral cancer) as well as imaging of inflammation (chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, echinococcosis) and neuro-imaging. The talk will close with an outlook on emerging developments in the field.

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