
The project should lead to the development of cultural tours that can be offered to national as well as international guests of the participating organisations and other interested parties in the project partners' cities. Throughs cross-national exchanges, the projects' learners gain know-how in the linguistic, cultural and historical backgrounds of other project members' living environment.

Activities: The members of the participating groups (seniors as well as younger adults) in the partners' locations prepare under self-selected thematic focus 3-5 personalized 60-90 minute Personal TownTours and present them to members of partner groups from other countries as well as to other local older and younger people and bring their town closer to them.

The tours will be developed on the basis of the participants' interests in art, architecture, history, etc. and subsequent researches in archives, libraries as well as oral history/life history reports gathered via questionnaires/interviews by the project groups. The participants of the TownTours will thus have the opportunity to learn about the city in a way that goes beyond professional guided tours. Learners who are interested in updating and improving their language skills translate in bi-national subgroups the texts about the various tours into different languages (main languages of the translations will be English, German and French, other languages are also intended), cooperations will be made with schools and students learning foreign languages. The tours and other project results will be presented in the project website. Those participants without previous experience of the Internet will discover the advantages of the Internet for information, research and cooperation and learn basics of Internet applications.

More information:

Carmen Stadelhofer
E-Mail: info-europa(at)
Gabriela Körting
E-Mail: gabriela.koerting(at)