Financial Statement Analysis

More information

Lecture dates

Tuesday, October 17th 201708:00 - 10:00
Tuesday, October 24th 201708:00 - 10:00
Tuesday, November 7th 201708:00 - 10:00
Tuesday, November 14th 201708:00 - 10:00
Tuesday, November 21st 201708:00 - 10:00
Tuesday, November 28th 201708:00 - 10:00


  • Description of the key figures of the analysis of the annual financial statement
  • Analysis of Investment (Days receivable outstanding, Scope of inventories, Investment ratio, Scope of assets, Degree of depreciation)
  • Analysis of Financing (Capital structure, Profitability ratios, Leverage effect)
  • Analysis of Liquidity (Coverage ratios, Liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios, Cash Flow)
  • Analysis of sources of income (Analysis of operating income, Analysis of expense structure, Analysis of profitability, Analysis of value added)
  • Value key figures
  • Economic Value Added
  • Cash Value Added
  • Cash Flow Return on Investment
  • Interim result
  • Ad-hoc Publicity


Exam in the first examination period

The exam is offered during the winter semester 2017/2018 as an open exam.


December 9th 2017, 08:00 - 10:00


For the prerequisites for participating in the exam in the first and second examination period, please have a look at the exam hints.
Please note that the admission to the exam for non-compliance or non-existence of these criteria is not possible.

Important hints:

  • Permitted for the exam are permanent writing utensils (please do not use pencils or similar!), a non-programmable calculator, a ruler and law text HGB (inclusive the rules of the BilMoG). Please refer to the guidelines for using legal texts. It is necessary to bring your student ID to the exam.
  • Please note that electronic dictionaries are not allowed in the exam.

Auditorium classification

AuditoriumStudy coursesLetters

Exam in the second examination period

The exam is offered during the winter semester 2017/2018 as an open exam.


20th January 2018, 10:00 - 12:00


For the prerequisites for participating in the exam in the first and second examination period, please have a look at the exam hints.
Please note that the admission to the exam for non-compliance or non-existence of these criteria is not possible.

Important hints:

  • Permitted for the exam are permanent writing utensils (please do not use pencils or similar!), a non-programmable calculator, a ruler and law text HGB (inclusive the rules of the BilMoG). Please refer to the guidelines for using legal texts. It is necessary to bring your student ID to the exam.
  • Please note that electronic dictionaries are not allowed in the exam.

Auditorium classification

AuditoriumStudy coursesLetters
H4/5              allA-Z
General information
ModuleFinancial Statement Analysis
Dates in blocks H16
Linksmoodle Modulbeschreibung
Course languageEnglish