Symposium ELSA: Ethical, legal and social aspects of invasive and non-invasive genetic prenatal diagnostics in Germany and Poland

The European-wide introduction of new, easily accessible and non-invasive prenatal genetic diagnostics such as the PraenaTest® led internationally to diversely articulated discussions on the chances and risks of genetic diagnostics. On the example of Germany and Poland, the ethical, legal and societal questions linked to will be discussed during the symposium. In both countries, invasive and non-invasive prenatal diagnostics is practiced; yet, at the same time, this praxis is controversially debated from various standpoints. In organization and realisation of the symposium’s topic, we rely on experiences and preliminary results of the research network “International Working Group Ethics in Medicine in Poland and Germany” which co-founded by us, and which, since 2012, established itself in the international debate on medico-ethical questions ( Medizinethik ). During the symposium, German and Polish scientists from various disciplines will analyse and discuss the similarities and differences between Germany and Poland in the area of prenatal diagnostics. Through interdisciplinary cooperation, questions raised by the establishment and development of prenatal diagnosis are to be answered within the framework of the project.

Project lead: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Steger and PD Dr. Maximilian Schochow
Project researcher: Dr. Marcin Orzechowski
Duration: 2015–2017