Modules in the Master's programmes

In the M.Sc. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Biology and M.Ed. Teacher Education in Biology, students must complete modules amounting to a total of 120 CP. These CP are divided into compulsory, compulsory elective and complementary area:

Some modules from the compulsory elective areas have limited places. At the end of each semester there will be a module choice for the following semester. This selection will take place via Moodle.
Students who are already enrolled on the Master's programme will be informed of the module choice by email. Students from the BSc programmes in Biology, Biochemistry and Teacher Education can also take part in the module choice if they change to the Master's programme in the following semester. 
Students who are new to the Master's programme have the opportunity to take part in the module choice before the start of the semester or to make their choice after the introductory event on the first day of the semester.
Further information can be found in the Moodle course (link follows).

Please inform yourself in advance about the contents and dates of the modules offered (see below).
Please note that places will only be allocated for modules from the following areas:

  • M.Sc. Biochemistry: Specializations I - III
  • M.Sc. Biology: Research focus Biology
  • M.Ed. Teacher Education Biology: Compulsory elective modules

You must take care of all other modules on your own responsibility!

Please note that only 1 module place is allocated per person and semester. If you wish to take more than 1 module per semester, you must take care of this yourself.

The following master modules are offered in summer term 25:

If you get an error message with the links, there are two possible solutions: either log out of the campus online portal and click on the link again or go to the landing page of the campus online portal and then click on the link above again.


  • Rainer Pfaff
  • Location: M24/573
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 1
  • Fax: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 2
  • Office hours:
  • Mon. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    Wed. 9 - 11 a.m. & 1 - 3 p.m.
    Fri. 9 - 11 a.m.
  • Please send enquiries by email to sekretariat.biologie(at)


  • Dr. Lena John
  • Location: M24/574
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 22 38 4
  • Consultation hours by arrangement*

*: Please arrange an appointment via sekretariat.biologie(at)


  • Prof. Dr. Christian Riedel
  • Location: M23/2412
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 24 85 3
  • Fax: +49-(0)731-50 22 71 9
  • Office hours by arrangement


  • Dr. Lena John
  • Location: M24/574
  • Phone: +49-(0)731-50 22 38 4
  • Consultation hours by arrangement*

*: Please arrange an appointment via sekretariat.biologie(at)

Study curricula

Here you will find the curricula of the Master's programmes in the university portal.