Annika Siewert
Age: 19
Degree course: Biochemistry
Hobbies: Bouldern, skiing and sailing
Favourite lecture/subject: developmental biology and genetics
Favourite amino acid: Threonin
If I were a hormone, I would be: be an endorphin. Endorphins are the happiness hormones of the body. I think I’d be a good endorphin, because I’m almost always in a very good mood and I like sharing my happiness with others.
Position in the team: Lab
What does iGEM mean to you?
For me iGEM represents an opportunity to work on interesting projects even as a student. Due to the internationality of this contest, I am hoping to experience new things and get a glance at a world beyond everyday life.
Why do you participate in the iGEM contest?
I like being able to apply what I learned at university to a project and learn new things. I also enjoy working in the lab and am looking forward to doing research there with my teammates.