Wolf-Hendrik Zillmann
Age: 20
Degree course: Computer science
Hobbies: Juggling, Ballett, Gaming
Favourite lecture/subject: Basics of computer networks
Favourite amino acid: 42, because it’s a nice number and I don’t know anything about amino acids.
If I were a hormone, I would be: Adrenalin, because it can give you a nice feeling when you show your skills in juggling and ballet dancing.
Position in the team:
My tasks include website management, data analysis and some graphic design.
What does iGEM mean to you?
iGEM is an opportunity to work together with students from other subjects to have a positive influence on our planet.
Why do you participate in the iGEM contest?
I’m participating in iGEM to learn new skills, to use already learned skills and simply because I’m interested in the topic of our project. Furthermore I’m able to get new insights into other areas of our university.