
This is the fourth volume of The Sparrow. This edition has concentrated on a specific theme, namely that of the horror story. We don’t always do this, but those of you who bought the first volume will remember that that was a crime story special. Every once in a while we will continue to bring out a volume based upon a specific genre.
And this volume also contains only stories in English. This was not a conscious decision on the part of the editors, but simply the way things came together, and we will in future be continuing to publish stories in German, too.
The contributors are all students from University of Ulm. We have Mona Simpson, a medical student; Tania Delgado, a Spanish exchange student studying economics; Monika Lehner, who is studying medicine; Julian Merrill, also a medical student; and Latoya Riley who is studying biology. The excellent illustrations to the stories and indeed the cover of The Sparrow itself, have been provided by Monika Lehner.
The standard of writing in this volume is again particularly high, and we hope that you, the readers, will enjoy reading the contributions, and possibly be encouraged to contribute to The Sparrow themselves!

Diese Ausgabe des Sparrows können Sie für 2,00 EUR bei William Adamson im Zentrum für Sprachen und Philologie kaufen.


William Adamson

Zentrum für Sprachen und Philologie

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