Transportation to Venue

The workshop venue as well as accommodation options will be in the old castle Schloss Reisensburg:

Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg d. Universität Ulm
Bgm.-Johann-Müller-Straße 1
89312 Günzburg


Travel by Airplane

The closest international airports are Stuttgart and Munich. Most international airlines are serving these destinations. Friedrichshafen and Allgäu Airport in Memmingen are smaller regional airports but possible destinations too. Transportation from the airport to Schloss Reisensburg (Günzburg) by train or by taxi. Please find details here.

Arrival by Train

The closest train destination is the Günzburg railway station ("Bahnhof Günzburg").

Travel service Deutsche Bahn

From the railway station please take a 25 min walk uphill or a taxi to the conference location (Schloss Reisensburg). Please find details here.

Travel by Car

From motorway A8 (E52) take the exit "Günzburg". Please find a road map and further details here

Abstract submission closed!