Best Paper Award auf der SEMAPRO'10

Universität Ulm

Die von Gregor Grambow, Roy Oberhauser und Manfred Reichert im Rahmen der Fourth International Conference  on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO'10) vorgestellte Forschungsarbeit mit dem Titel "Semantic Workflow Adaption in Support of Workflow Diversity" wurde von den Konferenzorganisatoren mit dem Best Paper Award ausgezeichnet.

The application of business process execution and guidance to environments with highly dynamic situations and workflow diversity is hindered by rigid predefined workflow models. Software engineering environments constitute an acute example where developers could benefit from automated workflow guidance if the workflows were made sufficiently concrete and conformant to actual situations. A context-aware software engineering environment was developed utilizing semantic processing and situational method engineering to automatically adapt workflows utilizing an adaptive process-aware information system. Workflows are constructed via context knowledge congruent to the current situation. Preliminary results suggest this technique can be beneficial in addressing high workflow diversity while providing useable guidance and reducing workflow modeling effort.