The conference is cancelled due to the current situation (SARS-CoV-2)!

Venue & Travel / Travel Information

Travel Information

The conference will be held at:

Wissenschaftszentrum Schloß Reisensburg
Bürgenmeister-Johann-Müller-Straße 1
89312 Günzburg

You can travel by plane, train or car.

By plane

The closest airports are Munich, Stuttgart and Memmingen. From there, it is possible to continue the journey via train.

By train

Günzburg is connected to the train infrastructure. The train station is 2.2 km apart from Schloss Reisensburg.
Train tickets are available online.  From the train station in Günzburg, there is no public transportation to Schloss Reisensburg. Therefore, we recommend to use a taxi from train station to Schloss Reisensburg.

By car

Günzburg is located directly at the motorway A8 and the highway B10.

Interactive Map

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