Institute of Information Resource Management

The Institute of Information Resource Management (IRM / OMI) focuses on the organization, management, network technology, and human aspects of networked IT systems, with a particular emphasis on IT security. Our research focuses on internet censorship (measurement and circumvention), human factors in networked security, the security of interconnected automation systems (especially building automation systems), and network information hiding.

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Our latest publications

Cabaj K, Caviglione L, Mazurczyk W, Wendzel S, Woodward A, Zander S. The New Threats of Information Hiding: the Road Ahead. IEEE IT Professional. 2018; 20(3):31—39.      [DOI]      [File] 
Wendzel S. IT-Sicherheit für TCP/IP- und IoT-Netzwerke: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Protokolle, Härtung. 1 ed. Springer; 2018.      [DOI]      [File] 
Wendzel S, Olschewski D. Internet of Things und Smart Contracts: Risiken bei der Digitalisierung von Unternehmen. In: Springer; 2018.      [DOI] 
Zillien S, Wendzel S. Detection of covert channels in TCP retransmissions. In: Proc. 23rd Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec 2018). Springer; 2018. p. 203—218.      [DOI]      [File] 
Wendzel S, Eller D, Mazurczyk W. One Countermeasure, Multiple Patterns: Countermeasure Variation for Covert Channels. In: Proc. Central European Security Conference (CECC 2018). ACM; 2018. p. 1:1—1:6.      [DOI]      [File] 

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