Institute of Information Resource Management

The Institute of Information Resource Management (IRM / OMI) focuses on the organization, management, network technology, and human aspects of networked IT systems, with a particular emphasis on IT security. Our research focuses on internet censorship (measurement and circumvention), human factors in networked security, the security of interconnected automation systems (especially building automation systems), and network information hiding.

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Our latest publications

Caviglione L, Lalande J, Mazurczyk W, Wendzel S. Analysis of human awareness of security and privacy threats in smart environments. In: International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (HAS 2015). 2015. p. 165—177.      [DOI]      [File] 
Anhaus EM, Wendzel S. BACtag — Data Leakage Protection für Gebäude. In: D-A-CH Security 2015. syssec; 2015. p. 417—248.     [File] 
Kaur J, Wendzel S, Meier M. Countermeasures for covert channel-internal control protocols. In: 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2015); IWCC Workshop. 2015. p. 422—428.      [DOI]      [File] 
Kaur J, Herdin C, Tonejc J, Wendzel S, Meier M, Szlósarczyk S. Novel Approaches for Security in Building Automation Systems. In: Tagungsband des 14. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongresses des BSI. SecuMedia Verlags-GmbH; 2015. p. 148—155.
Kaur J, Tonejc J, Wendzel S, Meier M. Securing BACnet's pitfalls. In: Proc. 30th IFIP TC-11 International Information Security and Privacy Conference (IFIP SEC 2015). 2015. p. 616—629.      [DOI]      [File] 

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