About us

What was the student council Molecular Medicine is now the Life Sciences Student Council (since 2019), with more study programs in the field of biomedical research being part of us. We are one of three student councils in the medical faculty, the other two being Medicine and Dental Medicine.

In small groups we work on different topics from examination regulations, the yearly first semester introduction week to everyday problems and concerns of our students. Additionally, we are represented in all important committees such as the faculty council, the study council and the study commission.

If you would like to engage in our activities and bring in new ideas, we warmly invite everyone to come by one of our regular meetings and have a look for themselves. You might be surprised how easy and fun it is to get involved and change things for the better at your own university. And if it is just because of the pizza we have at every meeting – that is also fine =)

We are looking forward to meeting you and are always open to any questions!