Program 2004

A Meeting at 08.10.2004 will start on 14:00

Venue: in front of the lecture room of the medical clinic
Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Otto Böhm

A Meeting at 18.10.2004 will start on 18:00

Venue: OE M24 501
Subject: General Announcement
Info: We offer various possbilities in endocrinology during the winter term,
e.g. lerssons, seminars and practical courses. At this meeting the time schedule
will be discussed. If you intend to attend one of our offers, please come to
the meeting on monday october 18.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Spindler

A Seminar at 19.10.2004 will start on 17:00

Venue: Raum 2609/10, Ebene 2, Med. Klinik
Subject: Principles of pancreas development
Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Hebrok, Diabetes Center, University of
California, San Francisco

A Seminar at 21.10.2004 will start on 18:00

Venue: Raum 2609/10, Ebene 2, Med. Klinik
Subject: Embryonic signaling pathways in formation and maintenance
of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Hebrok, Diabetes Center, University of
California, San Francisco

A Colloquium at 26.11.2004 will start on 06:40

Venue: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
Subject: XXXIII. Colloquium Endocrinologicum
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Spindler

A Seminar at 02.12.2004 will start on 17:00

Venue: OE N24 / Room 131
Subject: Modulation of androgen receptor signaling by the tumor suppressor p53 in prostate cancer cells 
Speaker: Dr. M. V. Cronauer, Department of Urology, Heinrich-Heine University, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany 

A Seminar at 13.12.2004 will start on 17:00

Venue: Seminar room 2026 (Medizinische Klinik, Ernährungsberatung, Ebene 2)
Subject: How to read a paper? - The pros and cons of EBM - 
Info: Einführung in die Welt der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. F. Porzsolt

A Seminar at 14.12.2004 will start on 09:00

Venue: Seminar room 2026 (Medizinische Klinik, Ernährungsberatung, Ebene 2) 
Subject: How to read a paper? - The pros and cons of EBM - 
Info: Beispielorientiertes Arbeiten - How to use evidence based medicine -
Speaker: Prof. Dr. F. Porzsolt

A Lecture at 17.12.2004 will start on 13:00

Venue: University of Ulm, N24, Room 252
Subject: How gene markers help to diagnose different forms of diabetes 
Speaker: Prof. P. Pozzilli, Università "Campus Bio-Medico", Roma, Italy and Department of diabetes and Metabolism, St. Bartholomew