Dr. Rebecca Halbgebauer

Dr. rer. nat. Rebecca Halbgebauer is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Trauma Immunology (Director: Prof. Markus Huber-Lang). As a group leader of the AG Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), her research is mainly focused on organ dysfunction after traumatic injury.

Trauma remains one of the leading causes of death especially in people below the age of 45, with more than 5 million deaths worldwide every year. Around 20% of ICU patients face multiple organ dysfunction and failure during the clinical course, resulting in substantial morbidity. This clinical picture can be caused by excessive inflammation, leukocyte tissue recruitment, and breakdown of intercellular barriers, leading to edema formation, end organ damage, and functional deficits. The group is focused on unraveling the underlying pathomechanisms of barrier and organ dysfunction in order to advance diagnostic and preventive strategies. In this context, current studies address trauma-induced acute kidney injury (TRAKI), the significance of hemorrhagic shock as a driver of posttraumatic barrier and organ damage, systemic inflammation, and the role of adipose tissue after trauma.

Rebecca is a member of the Collaborative Research Center 1149 and has received funding from the Hertha-Nathorff- and the Baustein program of Ulm University as well as from the CRC 1149