E-Media: Activations during the Corona crisis

Most free corona trials offered by different publishers have ended. The activations are valid for different periods of time and represent an additional offer to the regular licenses of the kiz. 

The regular licenses of the kiz can be found here:



  • Beck-Online: the database can only be accessed with a personal account. Please follow the publisher's instructions on how to initially create an account.



Further offers:

FAQ's on the use of electronic resources


The University's Electronic Journals Library (EZB)  currently provides full text access to over 25,000 journals, of which over 5,400 are actively licensed by the University. Scans can be requested from the 353 print magazines. (Central library or BB Helmholtzstr.).


Many research and study contents are available via free and licensed databases. The best way to get a subject overview of the databases available in Ulm is to use the Database Information System (DBIS). We would like to point out the following offers in particular:


Interesting for the study:

  • Amboss (Medicine)
  • Thieme eRef textbooks and Prometheus-Anatomieatlas (Medicine)
  • Jove (Medicine, Biology)
  • PhysikOnline (Physics)
  • Safari TechBooks (E-Book-collection primarily computer science)

The following are relevant for research:

  • Springer Experiments und JOVE (Natural Science)
  • Ovid Datenbanken (Medicine and Psychology)
  • SciFinder-n (Chemie, Login via Account on request)
  • Reaxys (Chemistry)
  • Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry (Chemistry)
  • IEEE Xplore (Engineering Sciences and Computer Science)
  • INSPEC (Engineering Sciences and Computer Science)
  • ACM Digital Library (Engineering Sciences and Computer Science)
  • TEMA/(WTI (Engineering Sciences)
  • Beck Online sowie Juris inkl. Staudinger (Jurisprudence)
  • Business Source Premier und Statista (Economics)
  • MathSciNet und SIAM (Math)


Since 2018 the kiz has been constantly expanding the offer of existing e-books. Contents which cannot be offered directly via the publishing platforms are acquired via Ebook-Central (EBC). Purchase requests on e-books are still possible within the emergency operation.

Newspapers and magazines

The newspaper display of the kiz can no longer be used for everyday reading. We can give you access to various media:

The F.A.Z. and the SZ are available digital!

A whole range of daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and magazines is available via the WISO database, including e.g. Handelsblatt, magazines from the heise publishing house such as c't, iX ...

IP-Range / VPN

The majority of electronic resources can be accessed via a VPN connection from the home office. An anonymous use of the contents can be guaranteed via VPN.

Shibboleth / EZ Proxy

We try to provide alternative access methods for all providers. Usually a login via Shibboleth or EZProxy should be possible. However, not all providers support these methods.

In case of access problems please contact the helpdesk of the kiz.

Please note that you cannot establish a VPN connection from the clinic network to the campus network of the university. Use the terminal browser "Chrome Uni-Ulm" to access electronic resources.

Due to the current situation, many publishers are currently offering free temporary licenses (e.g. in the form of trials) as a gesture of goodwill. Existing license portfolios are being increased or opened up completely. The kiz has no influence on the duration of the offers: selectively there may be restrictions regarding the access to electronic resources which are not part of the license portfolio of the university.