Prof. S. Britsch

Dr. Christoph Wiegreffe
Tel. 0731 50-23104

The Core Facility Laser Microdissection is a member of the Center for Translational Imaging MoMAN.

The Core Facility Laser Microdissection of the Faculty of Medicine under the direction of Prof. Dr. Britsch has a fully equipped PALM MicroBeam (Zeiss). This system provides a contact-free isolation and collection of high-purity cells to be analysed from tissue samples or cell cultures. All working groups of the University Hospital, the University and external companies/academic institutions can use the Core Facility after prior briefing (scientific contact: Dr. Wiegreffe and technical contact: Ms. Krattenmacher).

In addition, the Core Facility also provides a range of services in terms of sample preparation and processing. The investigator is responsible for the experimental material and the related authorisations (valid ethics or animal experimentation applications). The user has also to take care for its own data processing, transfer and, if necessary, storage.



ZEISS PALM MicroBeam enables the contact-free isolation and collection of high-purity cells from tissue samples or cell cultures.

  • RoboMover for automated high throughput sample collection
  • wide range of sample collectors (e.g. Caps, Strips, 96-well format and LiveCell Collector)
  • multichannel fluorescence and analysis software for automated detection of fluorescence-stained cells
  • incubation chamber for cell culture (50 mm or 35 mm culture dishes)
  • 100x objective for chromosome isolation



Section and LMD principle
Section and LMD principle

Laser microdissection enables the identification of target structures and cell types in their cellular context and precise dissection from the native tissue environment.

  • laser microdissection for isolation and analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins.
  • application for cryosections, FFPE tissue and cell culture performed on membrane slides or standard glass slides
  • selective isolation and recultivation of adherent cells
  • positive and negative selection
  • sample preparation, processing and method training
  • full-service support


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