Christine Schillings
Christine Schillings acquired her Bachelor and her Master of Science in Psychology at Ulm University, focusing on clinical and personal and organizational psychology. Within her Master Thesis as a cooperation project of the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of Ulm University, she investigated the effects of an online mindfulness-based intervention “StudiCare Mindfulness” on mindfulness, interoception, and stress in students. During her studies, she completed various internships in the areas of clinical psychology as well as personal and organizational development. As part of her Master’s programme, she studied one semester abroad at California State University of Northridge in Los Angeles. In her PhD programme in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at Ulm University, she studies mindfulness-based procedures and biofeedback training to improve interoceptive abilities and stress management.
Christine Schillings
Research Assistant
✉ Christine Schillings
☎ +49-(0)731/50 31738
℻ +49-(0)731/50 31739
Π 43.3.105
Consultation hours
on appointment
Research interests
- Mindfulness-based procedures and biofeedback training
- Stress management for students and employees
- Mobile interventions to improve interoceptive abilities and health-related parameters
Professional Career
since 10/2021 | Training as a psychological psychotherapist in systemic psychotherapy at the Systemica Institut |
10/2020 – 02/2023 | Research assistent at the Leadership Personality Center Ulm (LPCU) and University Hospital Ulm, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy |
since 06/2019 | Research assistant in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Institute of Psychology and Education, Ulm University |
10/2016 - 03/2019 | Master’s programme in Psychology (M. Sc.; focus areas: clinical psychology and personal- and organizational psychology, Ulm University) Topic of the Master Thesis: “StudiCare Mindfulness” – Effects of an online mindfulness-based intervention on mindfulness, interoception, and stress in students |
10/2014 - 03/2019 | Student assistant in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Institute of Psychology and Education, Ulm University |
02/2017 – 05/2017 | Research project in the Department of Sport Psychology, College Social and Behavioral Sciences, California State University of Northridge, Los Angeles |
10/2013 - 03/2014 | Bachelor’s programme in Psychology (B. Sc.), Ulm University |
Summer Semester 2024
Seminar "Research-orientated internship – Psychotherapy Research" (Master of Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, Ulm University)
Winter Semester 2023/2024
Seminar „Preventive measures to support work-life balance“ (Master, Ulm University)
Summer Semester 2023
- Seminar "Mobile assessment of health parameters in research and practice" (Master, Ulm University)
Summer Semester 2022
- Block course „Prevention and health promotion” (Medicine, Ulm University / University Hospital Ulm)
Summer Semester 2021
- Lead the colloquium of the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology including a Journal Club (Bachelor and Master, Ulm University)
- Block course „Prevention and health promotion” (Medicine, Ulm University / University Hospital Ulm)
Winter Semester 2020/2021
- Seminar „Preventive measures to support work-life balance“ (Master, Ulm University)
Conference Contributions
Schillings, C., Meissner, D., Erb, B., Schultchen, D., Bendig, E., Pollatos, O. (2023). A chatbot-based intervention with ELME to improve stress and health-related parameters in a stressed sample. Presentation held on the 21tst World Congress of the International Organization of Psychophysiology in Geneva, Switzerland.
Schillings, C., Balint, E. M., Waller, C., Guendel, H. O., Jarczok, M. N. (2023). 24h-Herzratenvariabilität als Kommunikationstool für individuelle psychosomatische Beratung im beruflichen Kontext. Presentation held on the German Congress for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (DKPM), Berlin, Germany.
Schillings, C., Meissner, D., Erb, B., Kegelmann, J., Gorhan, S., Schultchen, D., Bendig, E., Pollatos, O. (2022). Feasibility study of a three-week chatbot-based intervention for stress reduction and health improvement. Poster presented on the 36th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Schillings, C., Jarczok, M. N., Gündel, H. O., Weimer, K. (2022). Trajectories of stress mindset measures in psychosomatic patients and its association with heart rate variability – results from the MEPP study. Poster presented on the 80. Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Long Beach, California.
Schillings, C., Meissner, D., Erb, B., Kegelmann, J., Gorhan, S., Schultchen, D., Bendig, E., Pollatos, O. (2021). Feasibility study of a three-week chatbot-based intervention for stress reduction and health improvement. Poster presented on the 15th Congress of the Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie, Online conference, Germany.
Schillings, C., Karanassios, G., Schultchen, D., & Pollatos, O. (2021). Can you learn from the feedback of your heart? Short-term and long-term effects of a cardiac interoceptive biofeedback training on interoceptive abilities and stress. Poster presented on the 34th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Online conference.
Schillings, C., Balint, E. M., Waller, C., Guendel, H. O., & Jarczok, M. N. (2021). 24h-heart rate variability as a communication tool for a personalized psychosomatic consultation in police officers. Presentation held on the 52nd International Annual Meeting, Society for Psychotherapy Research, Online conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
Schillings, C., Schultchen, D., Küchler, A.-M., Baumeister, H., & Pollatos, O. (2019). Can you train your heartbeat perception with a mindfulness training? Effects of an online mindfulness-based intervention on interoceptive processes in students. Poster presented on the 33th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Schillings, C., Schultchen, D., Karabatsiakis, A., Messner, M., & Pollatos, O. (2019). Effects of an 8-week body scan intervention on individually perceived psychological stress and related steroid hormones in hair. Presentation held on the 14th Congress of the Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie in Greifswald, Germany.