Human-Centered Software Engineering Research Group

Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages,
Prof. Dr. Matthias Tichy

Empowering Humans to Drive the Digital Revolution

Software is ultimately developed for and by humans. Consequently, we – the Human-Centered Software Engineering Research Group – focus our software engineering research on supporting and empowering humans to drive the digital revolution.

We do this by aiming at reducing complexity, avoiding defects, and improving developer resp. user experience. We realize this by developing domain-specific languages, quality assurance techniques, and innovative tools. To ensure high-quality research, we apply incremental/iterative design science research to arrive at evaluated solutions and empirical research methods to systematically identify research opportunities and properly show the benefits of our research results. Our research targets embedded systems, particularly automotive software, self-adaptive systems, and software in general as application areas.


M.Sc. Raphael Straub

M.Sc. Raphael Straub
Research Assistant
Ulm University
Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89069 Ulm
Room: 027 413

M.Sc. Thomas Witte

Thomas Witte
M.Sc. Thomas Witte
Research Assistant
Ulm University
Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89069 Ulm
Room: O27 4103

Research Projects

Tools to accelerate innovation along the automotive value chain

Self-organizing resilient execution platform for IoT services

Model-based Explainable Coordination of Complex Reconfigurations

Integrated Safety and Security Engineering of Self-Adaptive Systems.



Groner, Raffaela; Gylstorff, Sophie; Tichy, Matthias
A Profiler for the Matching Process of Henshin
Tool Demonstration. In ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS ’20 Companion), October 18–23, 2020, Virtual Event, Canada.
October 2020
Groner, Raffaela; Beaucamp, Luis; Tichy, Matthias; Becker, Steffen
An Exploratory Study on Performance Engineering in Model Transformations
In ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS ’20), October 18–23, 2020, Virtual Event, Canada.
October 2020
Nachreiner, Leander; Raschke, Alexander; Stegmaier, Michael; Tichy, Matthias
CouchEdit: A Relaxed Conformance Editing Approach
MLE ’20: 2nd International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering and Execution
October 2020
Götz, Stefan; Tichy, Matthias
Investigating the Origins of Complexity and Expressiveness in ATL Transformations
Journal of Object Technology, 19 :12:1-21
July 2020
Götz, Stefan; Tichy, Matthias; Groner, Raffaela
Claimed advantages and disadvantages of (dedicated) model transformation languages: a systematic literature review
Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)
July 2020
Publisher: Springer Nature
Tichy, Matthias; Pietron, Jakob; Mödinger, David; Juhnke, Katharina; Hauck, Franz J.
Experiences with an Internal DSL in the IoT Domain
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IoT 2020)
July 2020


Witte, Thomas; Tichy, Matthias
A Hybrid Editor for Fast Robot Mission Prototyping
Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Explainable Software
November 2019
Witte, Thomas; Tichy, Matthias
Code Manipulation through Interactive Markers in a Live Preview
November 2019
Stegmaier, Michael; Raschke, Alexander; Tichy, Matthias; Meßner, Eva-Maria; Hajian, Sara; Feldengut, Anna
Insights for Improving Diagram Editing Gained from an Empirical Study
Fourth International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling
September 2019
Juhnke, Katharina; Tichy, Matthias
A Tailored Domain Analysis Method for Developing System-Specific Testing DSLs Enabling their Smooth Introduction in Automotive Practice
Proceedings of the 45th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2019), Kallithea Chalkidiki, Greece
August 2019