Prof. Dr. Matthias Tichy

My main research focus is on domain specific languages, particularly for mechatronic systems. Mechatronic systems are systems which are jointly developed by mechanical, electrical, control and software engineers, e.g., modern cars. The embedded software is the key driver for innovation in mechatronic systems. I especially focus on self-adaptive software and software in safety-critical systems. I use graph transformations as underlying formal basis in many of these research activities. Furthermore, i employ empirical research methods to understand how humans use software as well as to evaluate technical contributions.



Krause, Christian; Tichy, Matthias; Giese, Holger
Implementing Graph Transformations in the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model
Tagungsband der Multikonferenz Software Engineering & Management 2015 (SE), March 17-20, Dresden, Germany
March 2015
Getir, Sinem; Grunske, Lars; Karl Bernasko, Christian; Kaefer, Verena; Sanwald, Tim; Tichy, Matthias
<prt>CoWolf</prt> - A Generic Framework for Multi-View Co-Evolution and Evaluation of Models
In Dimitris Kolovos and Manuel Wimmer, Editor, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Model Transformation, L'Aquila, Italy
In Dimitris Kolovos and Manuel Wimmer, Editor
Ribeiro, Leila; Tichy, Matthias
Preface for the Special Issue on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques 2013
Science of Computer Programming, 104 :1
Publisher: Elsevier


Durisic, Darko; Staron, Miroslaw; Tichy, Matthias; Hansson, Jörgen
Quantifying Long-Term Evolution of Industrial Meta-Models - A Case Study
Proc. of the IWSM Mensura Conference (2014), Rotterdam, Netherlands
October 2014
Liebel, Grischa; Marko, Nadja; Tichy, Matthias; Leitner, Andrea; Hansson, Jörgen
Assessing the State-of-Practice of Model-Based Engineering in the EmbeddedSystems Domain
In Juergen Dingel and Wolfram Schulte, Editor, Model Driven Engineering Languages andSystems, 17th International Conference, MODELS 2014, Valencia, Spain, September28 - October 3
In Juergen Dingel and Wolfram Schulte, Editor
September 2014
Greenyer, Joel; Winetzhammer, Sabine; Tichy, Matthias
Integrating Graph Transformations and Modal Sequence Diagrams for Specifying Structurally Dynamic Reactive Systems
In Daniel Amyot and Pau Fonseca i Casas and Gunter Mussbacher, Editor, Proc. of the 8th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM 2014), Valencia, Spain, September 29 - 30
In Daniel Amyot and Pau Fonseca i Casas and Gunter Mussbacher, Editor
September 2014
Durisic, Darko; Staron, Miroslaw; Tichy, Matthias; Hansson, Jörgen
Evolution of Long-Term Industrial Meta-Models – A Case Study
Proc. of the 40th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Verona, Italy
August 2014
Bennaceur, Amel; B. France, Robert; Tamburrelli, Giordano; Vogel, Thomas; J. Mosterman, Pieter; Cazzola, Walter; M. Costa, Fábio; Pierantonio, Alfonso; Tichy, Matthias; Akşit, Mehmet; Emmanuelson, Pär; Gang, Huang; Georgantas, Nikolaos; Redlich, David
Mechanisms for Leveraging Models at Runtime in Self-adaptive Software
In Nelly Bencomo and Robert B. France and Betty H. Cheng and Uwe Assmann, Editor, Models@run.time Volume 8378 from Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Page 19-46
Publisher: Springer
July 2014
Backlund, Emil; Bolle, Mikael; Tichy, Matthias; HolmströmOlsson, Helena; Bosch, Jan
Automated User Interaction Analysis for Workflow-Based Web Portals
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB 2014), Paphos, Cyprus
June 2014
Krause, Christian; Tichy, Matthias; Giese, Holger
Implementing Graph Transformations in the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model
Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), June 7-10, Grenoble, France
June 2014
Brenner, Christian; Greenyer, Joel; Holtmann, Jörg; Liebel, Grischa; Tichy, Matthias; Stieglbauer, Gerald
ScenarioTools Real-Time Play-Out for Test Sequence Validation in an Automotive Case Study
Proc. of the 13th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT 2014), Grenoble, France
April 2014
Pohlmann, Uwe; Dziwok, Stefan; Meyer, Matthias; Tichy, Matthias; Thiele, Sebastian
A Modelica Coordination Pattern Library for Cyber-Physical Systems
Proc. of the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, (SIMUTools), March 17-19, Lisbon, Portugal
March 2014
Becker, Steffen; Dziwok, Stefan; Gerking, Christopher; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Heinzemann, Christian; Thiele, Sebastian; Meyer, Matthias; Priesterjahn, Claudia; Pohlmann, Uwe; Tichy, Matthias
The MechatronicUML Design Method - Process and Language for Platform-Independent Modeling
Document Number: tr-ri-14-337
Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn
March 2014
Westfechtel, Bernhard; Tichy, Matthias
<prt>ECEASST</prt>, 68


Getir, Sinem; van Hoorn, André; Grunske, Lars; Tichy, Matthias
Co-Evolution of Software Architecture and Fault Tree Models: An Explorative Case Study on a Pick and Place Factory Automation System
Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Non-functional Properties in Modeling, September 29, Miami, USA
September 2013
Tichy, Matthias; Krause, Christian; Liebel, Grischa
Detecting performance bad smells for Henshin model transformations
In Benoit Baudry and Jürgen Dingel and Levi Lécio and Hans Vangheluwe, Editor, Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations (AMT), September 29, Miami, USA
In Benoit Baudry and Jürgen Dingel and Levi Lécio and Hans Vangheluwe, Editor
September 2013
Heinzemann, Christian; Sudmann, Oliver; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Tichy, Matthias
A Discipline-Spanning Development Process for Self-Adaptive Mechatronic Systems
Proc. of the International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP), May 18-19, San Francisco, CA, USA, Page 36-45
May 2013
Tichy, Matthias; Ribeiro, Leila
Proc. of the 12th International Workshop on Graph Transformations and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT)
February 2013
Priesterjahn, Claudia; Steenken, Dominik; Tichy, Matthias
Timed Hazard Analysis of Self-healing Systems
In Javier Camara, Rogério de Lemos and Carlo Ghezzi and Antonia Lopes, Editor, Assurances for Self-Adaptive Systems Volume 7740 from Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Page 112-151
Publisher: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg


Pohlmann, Uwe; Dziwok, Stefan; Suck, Julian; Wolf, Boris; Choon Loh, Chia; Tichy, Matthias
A <prt>M</prt>odelica Library for Real-Time Coordination Modeling
In Martin Otter and Dirk Zimmer, Editor, Proc. of the 9th International Modelica Conference, Munich, Germany, Munich, September 3 - 5, 2012
In Martin Otter and Dirk Zimmer, Editor
September 2012
Berger, Christian; Tichy, Matthias
Towards Transactional Self-Adaption for <prt>AUTOSAR</prt> on the Example of a Collision Detection System
In Ina Schäfer and Marcus Wille, Editor, Proc. of the 10th Workshop Automotive Software Engineering, 17th September 2012, Braunschweig, Germany
In Ina Schäfer and Marcus Wille, Editor
Publisher: Gesellschaft für Informatik
September 2012
Priesterjahn, Claudia; Heinzemann, Christian; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Tichy, Matthias
Runtime Safety Analysis for Safe Reconfiguration
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Self-X and Autonomous Control in Engineering Applications at the 10th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 25th - 27th July 2012, Beijing, China
July 2012
Heinzemann, Christian; Pohlmann, Uwe; Rieke, Jan; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Sudmann, Oliver; Tichy, Matthias
Generating <prt>Simulink</prt> and <prt>Stateflow</prt> Models From Software Specifications
Proceedings of the 12h International Design Conference DESIGN 2012
May 2012
Frieben, Jens; Tichy, Matthias
Automatic deployment of <prt>IEC</prt> 61499 function blocks
CAN Newsletter, 1 :40--47
March 2012
Becker, Steffen; Tichy, Matthias
Towards Model-Driven Evolution of Performance Critical Business Information Systems to Cloud Computing Architecture
Proceedings of Modellbasierte und Modellgetriebene Softwaremodernisierung, Workshop at Modellierung 2012
March 2012