Centre of Quantum BioScience
Turning Ulm’s quantum biology into a technology forge

About us

The Centre of Quantum BioScience has been established to foster collaborative research at the intersection of quantum science and technology with chemistry, biology and medicine. Research at the Centre will develop...
quantum technologies that enable new
modes of observation in biology, chemistry and medicine and explore the role that
quantum dynamics plays in biological systems at the nanoscale. New insights afforded
by these principles and technologies will be used to drive research in biology, chemistry
and medicine. The interdisciplinary research conducted at the Centre of Quantum BioScience encompasses fundamental and applied research which will foster cooperation ith technology and pharmaceutical industries.

Who are we?
The Centre of Quantum BioScience brings together internationally leading research teams from the fields of Theoretical Physics, Experimental Quantum Optics, Organic Chemistry and Molecular Virology...

The research at the ZQB combines experiment and theoretical physics with chemistry and medicine towards the common goal of achieving new modes of observation of biomedical systems, the understanding of the role of...
What is happening?

Quantum Darwinism spotted in diamond spins
Julen Pedernales wins the best poster award at the Bad Honnef seminar on Levitated Optomechanics
Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt: 1,5 Millionen Euro für risikobehaftete Forschung
Mit Quantentechnologie Kernspin-Anwendungen revolutionieren
The opening ceremony of the ZQB took place on July 5th 2019! Click here to view some photos
Click here to view the progress of the building!
Five scientists from Ulm among the most frequently cited researchers, Click here to read the full article.
ZQB PIs awarded prestigious SFB grant: "Utilisation of the human peptidome in the development of new antimicrobial and anticancer therapeutic agents". Spokesperson: Prof. Frank Kirchhoff; Deputy spokespeople: Prof. Martin Plenio and Prof. Christian BuskeBuske.
Following completion of planning, the construction of the Center for Quantum BioSciences has received official go-ahead from the Ministry - Click here to read the full article.
Turning Ulm’s quantum biology into a technology forge - Click here to read the full article

Institute of Theoretical Physics
Roberto Gonzalez
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Visiting student Giovanni Ferrari from Padova University
Institut für Quantenoptik
Prof. Kai-Mei Fu, University of Washington, Seattle
Institut für Quantenoptik
Prof. Dima Budker, Mainz
Institut für Quantenoptik
Pro.f Alexei Jerschow, New York University
Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Prof. Vanesa Gottifredi, Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires

Institute of Theoretical Physics
10.2.2020 Prof. Johannes Feist
"Cavity-induced modification of molecules"
Seminar series “CRC 1279 and beyond”:
03.02.20 Prof. Marcus Fändrich
“Structure and formation of amyloid fibrils in human diseases - lessons learned from cryo-EM”
10.02.20 Prof. Ehud Gazit, University of Tel Aviv
“Peptide and Metabolite Self-Assembly: Physiology, Pathology, and Nanotechnology”
(Host: Prof. Jan Münch)
17.02.20 Prof. Frank Sobott, University of Leeds
“Mass spectrometry of biomolecules”
(Host: Prof. Marcus Fändrich)
24.02.20 Prof. Vanesa Gottifredi, Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires
“A 26aa peptide mimics full-length p21 in preventing recruitment of
TLS polymerases to replication factories and proliferation inhibition”
(Host: Prof. Lisa Wiesmüller)
Unless specified otherwise, the presentations will take place at 3:00 pm in the Multimedia Room, N27, Life Science Building. The duration of the presentations is ~45 minutes plus ~15 minutes of discussion. Everybody who is interested is welcome. Students and Postdocs have the opportunity for further discussion with external speakers’ right after the seminar.