Catalysis From First Principles 2014


Catalysis from first principles (Cat1P):

Heterogeneous catalysis meets electrocatalysis

Workshop 25.-28.05.2014 

Castle Reisensburg near Ulm

Catalytic processes are of tremendous technological importance, but they are also of fundamental interest for the understanding of chemical reactions.

The primary goal of this workshop is to bring together experts from the fields of first-principles modeling of heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis. In addition, the close contact to the experiment and industry is rather important, hence also experts from these areas shall contribute to the success of the workshop.

The conference will be the eighth in the "Cat1P - Catalysis from rst Principles" series that have been arranged by Matthias Scheffler, Jürgen Hafner, Jens Norskov and their colleagues. The meeting will thus follow successful workshops in Magleas, Denmark (1999, 2004 and 2011), CECAM Lyon (2000 and 2006), and Vienna (2002 and 2009).

The present workshop at Castle Reisensburg will have about 55 participants, of which approximately 20 will be invited speakers each giving 45 minutes presentations. All participants will be accommodated at Castle Reisensburg. In addition, there will be some contributed talks, predominantly by young scientists to give them the chance to present their results to an international audience. Furthermore, the participants who are not giving talks will have the possibility to present their work at a poster session on the second evening.

This workshop ist supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG), by CECAM, and the Psik-Network through the ESF.



and the DFG Research Unit FOR 1376 "Elementary Reaction Steps in Electrocatalysis: Theory meets Experiment".