Theoretical Quantum Gases
-theory of fundamental physics and chemistry in ultracold clouds-
We explore universal phenomena in few-body physics and quantum reaction dynamics in chemistry. For this, we theoretically investigate collision processes between several particles in the ultracold regime. This is done by solving quantum-mechanical few-body equations, for instance, the time-independent Schrödinger equation on adiabatic few-body potentials. The obtained information, such as the three-body loss rate L3 and the three-body correlation paramter g3, enables us to build up fundamental (effective) Hamiltonians for studying many-body physics.
Our research interest
- Universal few-body physics
- Ultracold chemical reactions
- From few-body to many-body Physics

Ongoing research projects
- Full-dimensional quantum calculation on ultracold triatomic reactions
In the ultracold regime, the quantum mechamics play a crucial in chemical reactions and the full-dimensional spatial movement of the reacting particles can entangle strongly with the rotation of their spins. We are currently working with a quantum treatment, taking into account all these spatial and spin degrees of freedom, to study the state-to-state reaction dynamics of the three-body recombination process in ultracold Rubidium atoms. This project is closely connected to the experiment in our BaRbIE laboratory. Please click here to reach the experimental page.
- Prediction of the value of Efimovian three-body parameters in ultracold atoms
When a three-body system encouters resonant two-body interactions, there will be an infinite series of trimer states appear with a geometrically distributed spectrum, which is called the Efimov effect. This geometrical spectrum itself is universal but need to be fixed by a few three-body parameters. We are currently working on calculating these Efimovian parameters and testing whether additional universalities even apply for their values.

The Team
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Hecker Denschlag
- (left)
- Dr. Jinglun Li
- (right)
- Jose P D'Incao
Assistant Research Professor
Group of Ultracold Few-Body Physics, JILA, Department of Physics, University of Colorado.- Paul S. Julienne
JQI Emeritus Fellow
Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), University of Maryland and NIST.- Eberhard Tiemann
Emeritus Professor
Institut für Quantenoptik, Leibniz Universität Hannover.