Elektrochemische Komponenten:
- Li-Batterie- und Brennstoffzellen, von Einzelzelle bis Systemkomponenten
- Visualisierungsmethoden und Identifikation von Degradationseffekten mittels synthetischer und realer Lastzyklen (Einzelzelle, Zellverbund, Hybridsystem)
Hybridsysteme und Konzepte für Leistungsverteilung mit Schwerpunkt:
- Modellierung und Aufbau von elektrochemischen Hybridsystemen
- Aufbau und Übertragung statistisch und wissensbasierter Regelalgorithmen für elektrochemische Systeme in Komponentensteuerungen
- effiziente und sichere Batterieladung, elektrische, thermische und mechanische Integration von elektrochemischen Komponenten für Fahrzeug-, Flugzeug-, Schiffs- und Raumfahrtanwendungen
- Hardware Aufbau und Test im Versuchsträger (Terrestrisch, Luft, Wasser, Raumfahrt)
Gesamte Antriebssysteme für emissionsfreie/elektrische Verkehrsanwendungen bestehend aus:
- Wasserstoffspeicher/Reformereinheit
- Brennstoffzellen- /Batteriesysteme, (mechanische, thermische und elektrische Integration in das Gesamtsystem nach Zulassungsregelwerk)
- DC/DC und DC/AC – Wandler auf Si und SiC Basis auf BZ-Stack
- elektrische Hochdrehmomentantriebe (DC – PM Motor, Eigenentwicklung)
- EMV, FMEA und Safety Assessment für elektrochemische Wandler und Antriebssysteme in der Luft- und Raumfahrt
- Hardware Aufbau, Integration in Anwendung, Inbetriebnahme und Test unter Zulassungsbedingungen (Airbus A320 & Antares DLRH2 & HY4 und S2TEP-Satellit)
Vorlesung | Einführung in die Energietechnik |
Energietechnik | |
Leistungselektronik | |
Energy Science and Technology I | |
Energy Science and Technology II | |
Seminar | Energy Science and Technology III |
1979 – 1992 | Schulausbildung, Grundschule, Gymnasium, Abschluss: Abitur | |
1993 – 1998 | Studium der Elektrotechnik, Universität Stuttgart Schwerpunkt: Physikalische Elektronik, Halbleitertechnik, Abschluss: Dipl. Ing. Elektrotechnik | |
1999 – 2002 | Entwicklungsingenieur und Promotion zum Dr. Ing. im Fach | |
2002 – 2006 | Projektingenieur im Global Alternative Propulsion Center der Firma General Motors | |
2006 –2015 | Fachbereichsleiter „Elektrochemische Systeme“ am Deutschen | |
09.12.2014 | Ruf Universität Ulm, W3 mit Leitungsfunktion | |
seit 1.09.2015 | Institutsdirektor Institut für Energiewandlung und -speicherung an der Universität Ulm, Fakultät Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatikund Psychologie, gegenwärtig 10 MA, Hauptschwerpunkte: - Hybridisierung elektrochemischer Systeme, - Gesamtsystemintegration elektrischer Antriebe, - Lehre im Bereich Energietechnik, Erneuerbare, Energiewandlung, Leistungselektronik, Energy Science and Technology (Master und Bachelor, deutsch und englisch) | |
seit 1.09.2015 | Koordinator und Teamleader Forschungsgruppe „Energiesystemintegration“ am DLR - Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Stuttgart und Hamburg Hauptschwerpunkte: -Brennstoffzellen-/Batteriesysteme und ihre Degradation, - Intersektorale Kopplung und technische Integration von Energiesystemen | |
seit 28.12.2015 | Geschäftsführer H2FLY GmbH, Stuttgart | |
seit Juni 2017 | Assoziierter PI am HIU Ulm |
Organisatorische Tätigkeitsfelder
- Gründungsmitglied und Koordinator HGF Initiative „Elektrisches Fliegen“ mit 32 Partner (in finaler Bewertung)
- Gründungsmitglied und Beirat der „E2-Fliegen – emissionsfreies, elektrisches Fliegen“ Konferenz, Stuttgart
- Jurymitglied „Berblinger-Preis“ der Stadt Ulm
- Wissenschaftlicher Gutachter für:
- Journal of Power Sources,
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
- Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology,
- Energies-Engineering and Policy Journal,
- EU – FP7 und UM-BW – Fachgutachter H2-Projekte,
- Vollmitglied Beirat und Session Chair World of Energy Solutions (Konferenz “F-cell” und “Battery and Storage”)
- Mitglied Kernteam E-Mobil BW,
- Mitbegründer, Vollmitglied der Jury und wissenschaftlicher Organisator “Aviation Innovation Award“,
- Gründungsmitglied Performing Energy, Bündnis für Wind – Wasserstoff, Berlin
Patente und Veröffentlichungen
- 5 erteilte und 5 eingereichte Patente unter anderem im Bereich Fahrzeughybridisierung, Speichersicherheit und Elektrolysekatalysatoren
- 25 referierte Veröffentlichungen ISI/SCOPUS, 1 Buchbeitrag, mehr als hundert weitere Veröffentlichungen, Konferenzbeiträge und Vorträge im Bereich: Batterie, Brennstoffzelle, Hochdrehmoment-antriebe, BHKW, Elektrolyse und Hybridsysteme, Datenvisualisierung und Sicherheitstechnik
- F-Cell Preis 2008 in Silber für das Thema „Brennstoffzellensysteme in der Luftfahrt“
- Clean Tech Media Award 2012 für den Bereich Luftfahrt mit dem Thema „Emissionsloser Bugradantrieb für A320 Flugzeuge“
1. | Lettenmeier, Philipp; Wang, Rainey; Abouatallah, Rami; Helmly, Stefan; Morawietz, Tobias; Hiesgen, Renate; Kolb, Svenja; Burggraf, Fabian; Kallo, Josef; Gago, Aldo; Friedrich, K. Andreas Durable Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer Systems Operating at High Current Densities. Electrochimica Acta, Volume 210, (2016), Pages 502-511. | |
2. | Henke, Moritz; Hillius, Silvan; Riedel, Marc; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Gas Recirculation at the Hydrogen Electrode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems. Fuel Cells, Volume,16, Wiley (2016), Pages 584-590 | |
3. | Flade, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas; Thalau, Oliver; Burberg, Torben; Schirmer, Johannes; Kallo, Josef Air breathing PEM Fuel Cells in Aviation. ECS Transactions, Volume 75, (2016), Pages 471-447 | |
4. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Steilen, Mike; Schnegelberger, Christian; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Operational Aspects for Direct Coupling of Gas Turbine and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. ECS Transactions, (2015) | |
5. | Henke, Moritz; Steilen, Mike; Schnegelberger, Christian; Riedel, Marc; Hohloch, Martina; Bücheler, Sandro; Herbst, Melanie; Huber, Andreas; Kallo, Josef und Friedrich, K. Andreas Construction of a 30 kW SOFC Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant. ECS Transactions, (2015) | |
6. | Busemeyer, Lucas; Werner, Claudia; Kallo, Josef | |
7. | Weiss-Ungethüm, Jörg; Bürger, Inga; Schmidt, Niko; Linder, Marc; Kallo, Josef Experimental investigation of a liquid cooled high temperature proton exchange membrane (HT-PEM) fuel cell coupled to a sodium alanate tank. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 39 (2014) Issue 11, Pages 5931–5941 | |
8. | Willich, Caroline; Tomaszewski, Amrei; Henke, Moritz; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef Temperature Effect due to Internal Reforming in Pressurized SOFC. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 161 (5), (2014), Pages F674-F678. | |
9. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Theoretical study on pressurized operation of solid oxide electrolysis cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 39, (2014), Pages 12434-12439. | |
10. | Rathke, Philipp; Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Stephan, Thomas; Waiblinger, Wendelin; Antares DLR-H2 – Flying Test Bed for Development of Aircraft Fuel Cell Systems. ECS Transactions, Volume 51 (1), (2013), Pages 229-241. | |
11. | Nishizawa, Akira; Kallo, Josef; Garrot, Olivier; Weiss-Ungethüm, Jörg Fuel cell and Li-ion battery direct hybridization system for aircraft applications. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 222 (2013), Pages 294-300 | |
12. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G; Friedrich, K. Andreas A validated multi-scale model of a SOFC stack at elevated pressure. Fuel Cells, Volume 13 (5), (2013), Pages 773-780 | |
13. | Keim, Martin; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Werner, Claudia; Saballus, Martin; Gores, Florian Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 29, (2013), Pages 330-338 | |
14. | Noack, Christoph; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, Andreas K. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Springer-Verlag (2012), DOI 10.1007/issn10800-012-0446-9 | |
15. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Leibinger, Robert; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Effect of pressure variation on power density and efficiency of solid oxide fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 66, Elsevier (2012), Pages 158-163 | |
16. | Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Henke, Moritz; Leucht, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Reformate as Fuel J. Electrochem.Soc., Volume 159, Issue 11, (2012), Pages F711-F716 | |
17. | Renouard-Vallet, Gwénaëlle; Saballus, Martin; Schumann, Peter; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Müller-Steinhagen , Hans Fuel cells for civil aircraft application: On-board production of power, water and inert gas | |
18. | Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Bessler, Wolfgang G. Influence of Pressurisation on SOFC Performance and Durability: A Theoretical Study. Fuel Cells, Volume 11 (4), (2011), Pages 581-591 | |
19. | Eschenbach, Max P.; Coulon, Romain; Franco, Alejandro A.; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G. Multi-scale modelling of fuel cells: From the cell to the system. Solid State Ionics, Volume 192 (1), (2011), Pages 615-618 | |
20. | Seidler, Stephanie; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef ; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K. Andreas Pressurized solid oxide fuel cells: Experimental studies and modeling. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 196, (2011), Pages 7195-7202. | |
21. | Renouard-Vallet, Gwenaelle; Saballus, Martin; Schmithals, Gerrit; Schirmer, Johannes; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Energy & Environmental Science, Volume 3, (2010), Pages 1458-1468 | |
22. | Leucht, Florian; Bessler, Wolfgang B.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Müller-Steinhagen, Hans Journal of Power Sources, Volume 196, (2010), Pages 1205-1215 | |
23. | Müller-Steinhagen, Hans; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Up, up and away. The chemical engineer, Volume 825, (2010), Pages 26-29 | |
24. | Kallo, Josef; Kamara, Jim; Lehnert, Werner; von Helmolt, Rittmar Cell voltage transients of a gas-fed direct methanol fuel cell | |
25. | Kallo, Josef; Kamara, Jim; Lehnert, Werner; von Helmolt, Rittmar Conductance and Methanol Crossover Investigation of Nafion Membranes in a Vapor-Fed DMFC J. Electrochem. Soc., Volume 150, Issue 6, (2003), Pages A765-A769 |
BBuchbeitrag | |
1. | Waiblinger, Wendelin; Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Friedrich, Andreas (2015) High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Applications. High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, Springer Verlag. Pages 511-525. ISBN 978-3-319-17081-7. |
Nicht referierte Veröffentlichungen
1. | Noack, Christoph; Burggraf, Fabian; Hosseiny, Seyed Schwan; Lettenmeier, Philipp; Kolb, Svenja; Belz, Stefan; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Pregger, Thomas; Cao, Karl-Kiên; Heide, Dominik; Naegler, Tobias; Borggrefe, Frieder; Bünger, Ulrich; Michalski, Jan; Raksha, Tetyana; Voglstätter, Christopher; Smolinka, Tom; Crotogino, Fritz; Donadei, Sabine; Horvath, Peter-Laszlo; Schneider, Gregor-Sönke Studie über die Planung einer Demonstrationsanlage zur Wasserstoff-Kraftstoffgewinnung durch Elektrolyse mit Zwischenspeicherung in Salzkavernen unter Druck Projektbericht, (2015), Pages 258 |
2. | Werner, Claudia; Gores, Florian; Busemeyer, Lucas; Kallo, Josef; Heitmann, Stefan; Griebenow, Malte Characteristics of PEMFC operation in ambient and low pressure environment considering the fuel cell humidification CEAS Aeronautical Journal. Springer. (2014) |
3. | Schnegelberger, Christian; Steilen, Mike; Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Experimental Investigation of Anode/Cathode Differential Pressures for a SOFC/Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant Proceedings of 11th European SOFC & SOE Forum 2014, 11. European Fuel Cell Forum AG. 11th European SOFC and SOE Forum 2014, (2014), 01.-04. Juli 2014, Luzern, Schweiz. |
4. | Öhlmann, Dietmar; Kallo, Josef Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 415. IOP Publishing Ltd. 9th International Symposium on Display Holography (ISDH 2012), 25.-29.6.2012, (2013), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. |
5. | Runge, Hartmut; Kallo, Josef; Rathke, Philipp; Stephan, Thomas; Kurz, Franz; Rosenbaum, Dominik; Meynberg, Oliver CHICAGO – An Airborne Observation System for Security Applications. Proceedings 7th Security Research Conference, Future Security 2012, 318, Seiten 488-492. Springer Verlag, (2012), Future Security 2012, 4.-6. Sept. 2012, Bonn, Germany. |
6. | Westner, Christina; Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Leucht, Florian; Lang, Michael; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) on Pressurized SOFC. Proceedings of the 10th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum. 10th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, (2012), 26.-29.6.2012, Lucerne, Switzerland. |
7. | Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Fuel Variation in a pressurized SOFC. Proceedings of the 10th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland (2012). 10th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, 26.-29.6.2012, Lucerne, Switzerland. |
8. | Leucht, Florian; Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Westner, Christina; Kallo, Josef; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K. Andreas Advances on the Way to a Stationary Hybrid Power Plant. Proceedings CD, f-cell 2011, (2011), 26.-27. Sept. 2011, Stuttgart, Germany. |
9. | Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Henke, Moritz; Leucht, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K. Andreas Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Reformate as Fuel. ECS Transactions, ECS 220, 9.-14. October (2011), Boston, USA. |
10. | Renouard-Vallet, Gwenaelle; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, Andreas; Schirmer, Johannes; Saballus, Martin; Schmithals, Gerrit Fuel Cells For Aircraft Applications. Electrochemical Society Transactions, 30 (1), (2011) Pages 271-280 |
11. | Leucht, Florian; Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Westner, Christina; Kallo, Josef; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K. Andreas Advances on the Way to a Stationary Hybrid Power Plant. Proceedings CD. f-cell 2011, 26.-27. Sept. 2011, (2011), Stuttgart, Germany. |
12. | Friedrich, K. Andreas und Ungethüm, Jörg und Kallo, Josef Fuel cell systems for mobile applications: a comparison of automotive and aeronautic system design. Conference Proceedings. (2011), International Electric Mobility Conference and Exhibition for Electric Mobility, 27.-28.Oct. 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia. |
13. | Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Saballus, Martin Development, Testing and Optimization of Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Application Conference Proceedings Fuel Cell Seminar 2009. Fuel Cell Seminar 2009, (2009), 2007-11-17 - 2007-11-19, Palm Springs, CA, USA |
14. | Eschenbach, Max; Bessler, Wolfgang; Coulon, Romain; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, Andreas Multi-scale modelling of PEM fuel cells: From elementary kinetics to the system. Conference Proceedings - 6th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation. 2009 MODVAL 6, (2009), 2009-03-24 - 2009-03-26, Bad Herrenalb/Karlsruhe, Germany. |
15. | Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef, Schirmer, Johannes; Schmithals, Gerrit Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Application. ECS Transactions, 25 (1), (2009), Pages 193-202. |
16. | Schumann, Peter; Graf, Christian; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas Architecture Analysis, Modelling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Applications. ECS Transactions, 17 (1), (2009), Pages 285-293 |
17. | Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes Development, Testing and Optimization of Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Application Conference Proceedings Fuel Cell Seminar 2008. Fuel Cell Seminar 2008, (2008), 2007-10-27 - 2007-10-30, Phoenix, AZ, USA. |
18. | Kallo, Josef Fuel Cell System Implementation, Start-Up and Test in an Airbus Conference Proceedings Fuel Cell Seminar 2007. Fuel Cell Seminar 2007,(2007), 2007-10-15 - 2007-10-19, San Antonio, TX, USA. |
19. | Schulze, Mathias; Gülzow, Erich; Kallo, Josef; Göbel, Winfried; Friedrich, K. Andreas Characterization of fuel cell behavior at low-pressure operation. Conference Proceedings Fuel Cell Seminar 2007. Fuel Cell Seminar 2007, (2007), 2007-10-15 - 2007-10-19, San Antonio, TX, USA. |
20. | Gülzow, Erich; Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Keller, Michael; Göbel, Winfried; Schumann, Peter; Schulze, Mathias Fuel cell test facilities for low-pressure operation. Conference Proceedings Fuel Cell Seminar 2007. Fuel Cell Seminar 2007, (2007), 2007-10-15 - 2007-10-19, San Antonio, TX, USA. |
Liste der erteilten Patente
1. Kallo, Josef und Maier, Oliver
Power control for hybrid fuel cell systems
US Pat. 7829229
2. Kallo, Josef
Heated outlet valve for a hydrogen storage tank
US Pat. 7717143
3. Kallo, Josef und Simbeck, Kilian und Kilian, Peter
Control strategy to prevent humidity cycling in a fuel cell
US Pat. 7829228
4. Kallo, Josef und Schaaf, Sandra und Winter, Franz
Pressure tank system with heat conducting layer
US Pat. 20080066805 A1
5. Kallo, Josef
Device to control the flow speed of media through a fuel cell stack
US Pat. 7972746
Fünf weitere eingereichte, jedoch noch nicht veröffentlichte Patentanmeldungen
1. | Kallo, Josef (2017) Hydrogen Flight – Dream or reality? 2nd SAS Symposium, San Francisco, USA |
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2. | Kallo, Josef (2017) Elektrisches Fliegen mit Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzelle DPG Frühjahrstagung, Bonn, Deutschland |
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3. | Cabañero Martínez, Marian; Gebel, Ajana; Lorrmann, Henning; Sextl, Gerhard; Hein, Simon; Kallo, Josef; Latz, Arnulf Lithium Plating Simulations in Commercial Lithium-Ion Batteries during Low-Temperature Charging. 18th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries, (2016), Chicago, IL, USA. |
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4. | Kallo, Josef; Flade, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas; Busemeyer, Lucas; Ehrhardt, Henry; Thalau, Oliver; Burberg, Torben; Preiß, Gunnar; Werner, Claudia; Becker, Florian; Pillath, Florian; Schirmer, Johannes (2016) Hybrid fuel cell power modules in more- and all-electric aircraft AIRTEC München, 25.-26.10.2016, München, Deutschland. |
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5. | Kallo, Josef (2016) Hybrid electric Systems for low Emission aeronautical propulsion World Of Energy Solutions, 10.-12.10.2016, Stuttgart, Deutschland. |
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6. | Kallo, Josef (2016) Hybrid electric Systems for low Emission aeronautical propulsion MEA-Conference, 5.10.2016, Hamburg, Deutschland. |
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7. | Schirmer, Johannes; Flade, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas; Kallo, Josef (2016) Fliegen mit Wasserstoff Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellensymposium, 30.9.2016, Bozen, Italien. |
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8. | Kallo, Josef (2016) Electric Flight Clean Sky Meeting, 12.07.2016, Farnborough, Großbritannien. |
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9. | Kallo, Josef (2016) Emission free flight with Hydrogen: dream or reality? Systainable Aircraft Symposium, 6.-7. Mai 2016, San Francisco, USA. |
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10. | Schirmer, Johannes; Flade, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas; Kallo, Josef (2016) Fliegen mit Wasserstoff OUV Wintertagung, 13. März 2016, Speyer, Deutschland. |
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11. | Kallo, Josef (2016) HY4 und Brennstoffzellen-Batterie Hybridkonzepte Symposium E2 Fliegen, 18.-19. Feb. 2016, Stuttgart, Deutschland. |
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12. | Flade, Steffen; Tomazic, Tine; Stephan, Thomas; Schirmer, Johannes; Kallo, Josef (2016) Electric flight concepts Cleansky Meeting, 4.02.2016, Warschau, Polen. |
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13. | Flade, Steffen; Kallo, Josef; Stephan, Thomas; Schirmer, Johannes (2015) The Effect of Battery Size on Recharging within a Direct Hybrid Power Modul 4th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics - Working on Small Scales, 11.-13.08.2015, Aberdeen, Großbritannien. |
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14. | Henke, Moritz; Steilen, Mike; Schnegelberger, Christian; Riedel, Marc; Hohloch, Martina; Bücheler, Sandro; Herbst, Melanie; Huber, Andreas; Heddrich, Marc; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2015) |
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15. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Steilen, Mike; Schnegelberger, Christian; Kallo, Josef; Heddrich, Marc; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2015) Operational Aspects for Direct Coupling of Gas Turbine and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells SOFC XIV, 27.-31.07.2015, Glasgow, Großbritannien. |
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16. | Flade, Steffen; Ungethüm, Jörg; Waiblinger, Wendelin; Stephan, Thomas; Schirmer, Johannes; Kallo, Josef (2015) PEM fuel cells direct hybrid system in aviation Fundamentals and Developments on Fuel Cells, 3.-5.02.2015, Toulouse, Frankreich. |
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17. | Werner, Claudia; Busemeyer, Lucas; Kallo, Josef (2014) Investigation of PEMFC Operation with a Closed Cathode Recirculation Cycle Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition 2014, 10.11.2014 - 13.11.2014, Los Angeles, USA. |
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18. | Flade, Steffen; Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Stephan, Thomas (2014) | ||
19. | Rathke, Philipp; Thalau, Oliver; Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Stephan, Thomas (2014) Long Distance Flight Testing with the Fuel Cell Powered Aircraft ANTARES DLR-H2 62. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 10.-12.9.2014, Stuttgart, Deutschland. |
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20. | Steilen, Mike; Schnegelberger, Christian; Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2014) Experimental Investigation of Peripheral Components in a SOFC/Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant 11th European Fuel Cell Forum, 01.-04.07.2014, Luzern, Schweiz. |
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21. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef (2014) |
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22. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Steilen, Mike; Schnegelberger, Christian; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef (2014) Operation of a SOFC-Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant with Different Fuels 11th European SOFC & SOE Forum, 1. Juli 2014, Luzern, Schweiz. |
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23. | Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef (2014) Development of a demonstration SOFC/MGT hybrid power plant 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference. WHEC 2014, Juni 2014, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Südkorea. |
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24. | Werner, Claudia; Busemeyer, Lucas; Kallo, Josef (2014) The Impact of Operating Parameters and System Architecture on the Water Management of a Multifunctional PEMFC System 14th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2014, |
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25. | Flade, Steffen; Weiss-Ungethüm, Jörg; Suchaneck, Andre; Stephan, Thomas; Kallo, Josef (2014) Direct Hybrid System in the Antares DLR-H2 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC 2014, 15.-20.06.2014, |
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26. | Kallo, Josef; Flade, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas; Schirmer Johannes (2014) Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Applications Aero Friedrichshafen, Forum Ost Conference, 12.04.2014, Friedrichshafen, Germany. |
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27. | Steilen, Mike; Schnegelberger, Christian; Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas; (2014) Experimental Investigation of Anode/Cathode Pressure Differences for a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant ICEPAG (2014), 01.-03. Apr. 2014, Newport Beach, USA. |
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28. | Kallo, Josef und Noack, Christoph und Gago, Aldo (2014) PEM - Electrolyser Technology for „Power to Gas“ FCH JU Water Electrolysis Day, 03.04.2014, Brussels, Belgium. |
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29. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Steilen, Mike; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2014) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant ICEPAG 2014, 01.-04.04.2014, Newport Beach, California, USA. |
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30. | Gago, Aldo; Burggraf, Fabian; Noack, Christoph; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2014) PEM Electrolysis: Research on Cost Reduction and System Durability Energie Speicher Symposium Stuttgart 2014, 12.03.2014, Stuttgart, Germany. |
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31. | Kallo, Josef; Rathke, Philipp; Flade, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas; Schirmer, Johannes (2014) Antares DLR-H2 - Flying Test Bed for Development of Aircraft Fuel Cell Systems SCITECH 2014, 13.-17.01.2014, National Harbor, Maryland, USA. |
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32. | Kallo, Josef; Noack, Christoph; Gago, Aldo; Kolb, Svenja; Burggraf Fabian (2013) PEM-Elektrolyse – Stand der Technik am DLR Energie Speicher Symposium 12.03.2013, Stuttgart, Germany. |
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33. | Kallo, Josef; Werner, Claudia; Gores, Florian; Schirmer, Johannes (2013) Antares DLR-H2 All-Electric Flying Testbed EFCF 2013, 03.07.2013, Lucerne, Switzerland. |
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34. | Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Rathke, Philipp; Stephan, Thomas (2013) Antares DLR-H2 – fuel cell powered experimental aircraft AIRTEC 2013, 05.11.2013, Frankfurt, Germany. |
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35. | Kallo, Josef; Steilen, Mike; Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Schirmer, Johannes (2013) Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Hybrid Power Plants. Fuel Cell Seminar and Energy Exposition, 21.-24.10.2013, Columbus, Ohio, USA. |
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36. | Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes; Rathke, Philipp; Stephan, Thomas (2013) Antares DLR-H2 - Flying Test Bed for Development of Aircraft Fuel Cell Systems Fuel Cell Seminar and Energy Exposition, 21.-24.10.2013, Columbus, Ohio, USA. |
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37. | Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Steilen, Mike; Kallo, Josef (2013) Pressurized SOFC for efficient hybrid power plants f-cell 2013, 31.9.-2.10.2013, Stuttgart, Germany. |
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38. | Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef; Schirmer, Johannes (2013) Fuel Cells for Aircraft Application SAE 2013 Aerospace Alternative Fuels and Associated Environmental Impacts Symposium, 12.-15.7.2013, Brussels, Belgium. |
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39. | Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef (2013) System Aspects of High Temperature PEFC Supplied with Hydrogen from Methanol-Steam Reforming Zing Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Conference 2013, 12.07. - 15.07.2013, Napa, USA. |
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40. | Kallo, Josef (2013) Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Application & Antares DLR-H2 All-Electric Flying Testbed Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2013, 16.-19.06.2013, Vancouver, Canada. |
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41. | Friedrich, K. Andreas; Noack, Christoph; Kallo, Josef; Pregger, Thomas; Heide, Dominik (2013) Elektrochemische Energiespeicherung: Welchen Beitrag kann sie zur Energiewende leisten? Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2013 (ProcessNet), 6.5.-8.5.2013, Würzburg, Germany. |
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42. | Kallo, Josef (2013) Antares DLR H2-testbed for Hydrogen testing Aero 2013, 25.4.2013, Friedrichshafen, Germany. |
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43. | Kallo, Josef (2013) Aero 2013, 26.4.2013, Friedrichshafen, Germany. |
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44. | Tomaszewski, Amrei; Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Klein, Miriam; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2013) Pressurized SOFC for the integration in a hybrid power plant FDFC 2013, 16.-18.04.2013, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
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45. | Steilen, Mike; Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2013) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant - Model Based Design of Control Strategies 10th Symposium for Fuel Cell and Battery Modelling and Experimental Validation (ModVal10). ModVal10, 19.-20.03.2013, Bad Boll, Germany. |
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46. | Kallo, Josef; Noack, Christoph; Gago, Aldo; Kolb, Svenja; Burggraf Fabian (2013) PEM-Elektrolyse – Stand der Technik am DLR Energie Speicher Symposium 12.03.2013, Stuttgart, Germany. |
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47. | Kallo, Josef (2013) Elektrochemische Speicher im System KIT - Portfolio 2. Statustreffen, 28.01.2013, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
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48. | Schirmer, Johannes; Kallo, Josef; Rathke, Philipp; Stephan, Thomas (2013) TAE - 9th International Colloquium Fuels, 15.-17. Jan. 2013, Esslingen, Germany. |
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49. | Kallo, Josef; Flade, Steffen; Schirmer, Johannes; Stephan, Thomas; Weiss-Ungethüm, Jörg (2013) Highly efficient fuel cell - li-batteries direct hybrid F-Cell 2013, 30. Sep. - 2. Okt. 2013, Stuttgart, Germany. |
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50. | Kallo, Josef; Rathke, Philipp; Flade, Steffen; Stephan, Thomas; Schirmer, Johannes (2013) Antares DLR-H2 - Flying Test Bed for Development of Aircraft Fuel Cell Systems Fuel Cell Seminar 2013, 21. - 24. Okt. 2013, Columbus, Ohio, USA. |
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51. | Werner, Claudia; Gores, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Heitmann, Stefan; Griebenow, Malte (2013) Merkmale des PEMFC-Betriebes bei Umgebungs- und Unterdruckbedingungen 62. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2013. 62. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2013, 10.-12.09.2013, Stuttgart, Germany. |
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52. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Theoretical Study on Pressurized Operation of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) ECS 222, 7.-12.10.2012, Honolulu, USA. |
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53. | Kallo, Josef, Schirmer, Johannes; Rathke, Philipp; Stephan, Thomas; Mayer, F. (2012) Antares DLR-H2 - Flying Test Bed for Development of Aircraft Fuel Cell Systems Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition, November 5th - November 8th, 2012 Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut USA. |
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54. | Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Effect of pressure variation on power density and efficiency of solid oxide fuel cells EFCF 2012, 26.-29.06.2012, Lucern, Switzerland. |
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55. | Kallo, Josef; Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells WHEC 2012, 3.-7.06.2012, Toronto, Canada. |
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56. | Leucht, Florian; Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Advances on the Way to a Stationary Hybrid Power Plant European Energy Conference 2012, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
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57. | Martin, Stefan; Waiblinger, Wendelin; Kallo, Josef; Wörner, Antje; Friedrich, Andreas (2012) Evaluation of a 3 kWel Reformer-operated High Temperature PEM System – Experiment and Simulation ModVal 9, 02.-04.04.2012, Sursee, Schweiz. |
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58. | Henke, Moritz; Leucht, Florian; Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Lang, Michael; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Modeling and Experimental Study of Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells ModVal 9, 02.-04. April 2012, Campus Sursee, Switzerland. |
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59. | Leucht, Florian; Henke, Moritz; Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Hydrogen Rich Natural Gas as a Fuel for SOFC Systems ICEPAG 2012. ICEPAG 2012, 07.-10.02.2012, Costa Mesa, California, USA. |
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60. | Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Effect of pressure on internal reforming in SOFC Fuel Cell 2012 Science and Technology, Berlin, Germany. (nicht veröffentlicht) |
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61. | Willich, Caroline; Henke, Moritz; Westner, Christina; Leucht, Florian; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2012) Experiments and Modeling of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on Pressurized SOFC ECS 222, 7.-12. Oct. 2012, Honululu, Hawaii, USA. |
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62. | Leucht, Florian; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2011) Cell and System Modeling for Pressurized SOFC Applications 8th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation MODVAL 8, 08.-09.03.2011, Bonn, Germany. |
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63. | Leucht, Florian; Seidler, Stephanie; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K.Andreas (2011) SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS: FROM PRESSURIZED CELL TESTS TO SYSTEM DYNAMICS ASSESSMENT International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation ICEPAG2011, 08-10.02.2011, Costa Mesa, USA. |
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64. | Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef; Schiller, Günther; Hug, Wolfgang (2011) Pro-H2 Technologie Forum, 12. Oct. 2011, Hannover, Germany. |
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65. | Schmithals, Gerrit; Kallo, Josef (2011) Alternative Antriebe in der Luftfahrt Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2011, 27.-29. Sep. 2011, Bremen, Germany. |
66. | Kallo, Josef; Ungethüm, Jörg; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2011) Direct Hybridization of Fuel Cell and Li-ion battery f-cell 2011, 26.-27. Sept. 2011, Stuttgart, Germany. | ||
67. | Renouard-Vallet, Gwenaelle; Kallo, Josef; Saballus, Martin; Gores, Florian; Schmithals, Gerrit; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2011) Fuel Cell Systems for a Greener Aviation Energy Engineering, Economics and Policy: EEEP 2011, 19.-22. Juli 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA. | ||
68. | Leucht, Florian; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2011) Cell and System Modeling for Pressurized SOFC Applications 8th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation MODVAL 8, 08.-09.03.2011, Bonn, Germany. | ||
69. | Leucht, Florian; Seidler, Stephanie; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2011) Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From pressurized Cell Test to System Dynamics assesment International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation ICEPAG2011, 08-10.02.2011, Costa Mesa, USA. | ||
70. | Kallo, Josef; Johannes Schirmer; Philipp Rathke; Thomas Stephan (2011) Development, Testing and Optimization of Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Application Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition, 31.10.-03.11.2011, Orlando, Florida, USA. | ||
71. | Kallo, Josef; Leucht, Florian; Henke, Moritz; Seidler, Stephanie; Westner, Christina; Willich, Caroline; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2011) Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells as Part of Hybrid Power Plants Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition, 31.10.-03.11.2011, Orlando, Florida, USA. |
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72. | Willich, Caroline; Westner, Christina; Seidler, Stephanie; Leucht , Florian; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2011) Pressurized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Operational Behavior H2 Expo, 8.-9-June 2011, Hamburg, Germany. |
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73. | Bessler, Wolfgang G., Vogler, M.; Henke, Moritz; Leucht, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K.Andreas (2010) Multi-scale modeling of solid oxide fuel cells: From patterned anodes to a hybrid power plant system 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Nizza, France. | ||
74. | Henke, Moritz; Seidler, Stephanie; Fischer, Christopher; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Maier, Uwe; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2010) Influence of Pressurization on SOFC Performance: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations Fuel Cell Seminar 2010, 18.-21. October 2010, San Antonio, Texas, USA. | ||
75. | Renouard-Vallet, G.; Kallo, Josef; Saballus, M.; Schmithals, G.; Schirmer, Johannes; Friedrich K. Andreas (2008) Fuel Cells for Aircraft Applications Fuel Cell Seminar, Tuesday October 19, 2010, San Antonio, TX, USA | ||
76. | Leucht, Florian; Seidler, Stephanie; Henke, Moritz; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2010) DLR SOFC/GT Hybrid Test Facilities Low Emission Advanced Power Workshop on Fuel Cell Turbine Power Systems, 20.-22. July 2010, Morgantown, WV, USA. | ||
77. | Leucht, Florian; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2010) Pressurized SOFC System Simulation for Hybrid Power Plant Operation 9th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, 29. June - 02. July 2010, Lucern, Switzerland. | ||
78. | Leucht, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2010) Load cycle simulations in pressurized SOFC systems and economic evaluation Balance of Plant for Large Fuel Cell Systems, 17.-18. Mai 2010, Bruges, Belgium. | ||
79. | Leucht, Florian; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2010) Simulation of Load Cycles in Pressurized SOFC Systems and Economic Evaluation 7th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation, 23.-24. March 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland. |
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80. | Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2010) Theoretical Investigation of the Influence of Pressurisation on SOFC Performance and Durability MODVAL7, 22.-24.03.2010, Lausanne, Switzerland. |
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81. | Seidler, Stephanie; Henke, Moritz; Kallo, Josef; Maier, Uwe (2010) Experimental studies and modeling activities on pressurized SOFC in the hybrid power plant project 9th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, 29. Jun - 02. Jul 2010, Luzern, Switzerland. |
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82. | Leucht, Florian; Seidler, Stephanie; Henke, Moritz; Bessler, Wolfgang G; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2009) Pressurized SOFC systems for stationary applications F-Cell 2009. F-Cell 2009, 28.- 29.Sept.2009, Stuttgart, Germany. |
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83. | Bessler, Wolfgang G.; Coulon, R.; Franco, A. A.; Eschenbach, M.; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. A. (2009) Multi-scale modeling of PEM fuel cells: From elementary kinetics to the system 17th Conference on Solid State Ionics, Toronto, Canada. |
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84. | Schumann, Peter; Graf, Christian; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2008) Architecture Analysis, Modelling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Aircraft Applications H2 Expo. H2 Expo, 2008-10-22 - 2008-10-23, Hamburg, Germany. | ||
85. | Müller-Steinhagen, Hans; Friedrich, Kaspar Andreas; Kallo, Josef (2008) Die Brennstoffzelle auf dem Weg ins Flugzeug CD f-cell. f-cell 2008, 2008-09-28 - 2008-09-29, Stuttgart, Germany. | ||
86. | Friedrich, Kaspar Andreas; Kallo, Josef (2008) Fuel Cells for Aircraft Application Reunion Pleniere du GDR PACTE, 2008-09-30 - 2008-10-03, Grenoble, France. | ||
87. | Schumann, Peter; Krauss, Martin; Göbel, Winfried; Kallo, Josef; Friedrich, K. Andreas (2008) Modeling and Validation of a Membrane Humidifier for PEM Fuel Cell Systems 5th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation, Seite 19. 5th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation, 2008-03-11 - 2008-03-12, Winterthur, Switzerland. | ||
88. | Leucht, Florian; Friedrich, K. Andreas; Kallo, Josef (2008) Modelling of the SOFC Generator in the Hybrid Power Plant Project 5th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation. 5th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling and Experimental Validation, 2008-03-11 - 2008-03-12, Winterthur, CH. |
Eigene Studien-, Diplom- und Doktorarbeit
Erste Studienarbeit: Josef Kallo, „Schwingquarzwaage zur In-Situ Bestimmung der Aufdampfrate und Schichtdicke, der mit einem Plasmaverfahren verdampften Metalle Silizium, Bor und dessen Stickstoffverbindungen“, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Plasmaforschung, (1996), Stuttgart, Germany
Zweite Studienarbeit: Josef Kallo, „Caracterization of thin film solar cells based on CuInGaAs and CuInAlAs Materials“, University of Delaware, Institut of Energy Conversion, (1997), Newark, Delaware, USA.
Diplomarbeit: Josef Kallo, „Palladium-modifizierte Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brennstoffzelle im Wasserstoff- und Methanolbetrieb“, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Physikalische Elektronik, Stuttgart, Germany.
Doktorarbeit: Josef Kallo, „Untersuchung der stationären und dynamischen Eigenschaften einer gasförmig versorgten Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzelle“, Universität Ulm, (2004), c/o General Motors, Mainz-Kastel, Germany.

Raum | 47.2.253 |
Tel: | +49 (0)731 5025540 |
Fax: | +49 (0)731 5025549 |
Mail: | josef.kallo(at) |