
A Gentle Introduction On Eye-Tracking Data
Am Freitag, 30.06.17, findet vormittags vor Beginn des Doktoranden-Workshops ein Eyetracking Pre-Workshop statt, gehalten von Dr. Krzystof Krejtz.
Der Pre-Workshop wird ca. von 09:00 Uhr bis 12:15 Uhr dauern, es gibt keine extra-Teilnahmegebühr.

The pre-workshop will provide participants with the introduction to the eye tracking method guiding from psychophysiological basis of human attention and vision system through the method basics and finishing at the use cases in psychological and interdisciplinary e.g., human-computer interaction research applications. We will point out benefits of eye tracking method deployment in the research process as well as its limitations. The pre-workshop will consists of lecture and hands-on session. During the later attendees will have a chance to participate in the process of eye tracking research construction, data acquisition and their preprocessing and simple visualizations.