50th HexKoP: November 3rd - 5th 2017
The program can be downloaded here.
Dear Colleagues,
We have a great pleasure to invite you for the jubilee 50th Autumn Meeting Experimental Cognitive Psychology (HexKop). This year, we celebrate not only the 50th anniversary of HexKop but also the 50th birthday of our Ulm University.
The meeting will take place from 3rd to 5th of November 2017 in the picturesque castle Reisensburg in Günzburg (30 km from Ulm.
You can register for the meeting as well as submit your abstract proposal via the website. The registration deadline is prolonged until 31st of August 2017. As usual, the contribution can be either a talk or a poster. We accept both German and English version.
There is a conference fee of €280,- which will cover your participation, accommodation and meals; if a shorter stay is envisaged, costs will be reduced accordingly.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Günzburg.
Your organizational team from the General Psychology Department,
Lisa Eberhardt, Katarzyna Patro, Anke Huckauf, Jan Ehlers
Contact: hexkop2017(at)uni-ulm.de