► Institute of Psychology and Education  

Molecular Psychology

The Department of Molecular Psychology investigates the molecular (genetic) basis of individual differences in human behavior. Classic twin studies revealed that individual differences in personality traits such as being anxious can be accounted for about 50% to genetics. Due to the rapid progress in the neurosciences, it is now possible to pinpoint the areas of the human genome linked to individual differences in psychological traits. Aside from applying molecular genetic techniques in their research, both MRI technologies as well as methods from Psychoinformatics are included in the research of Molecular Psychology.

Abteilungsbild Molekulare Psychologie

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Prof. Dr. Christian Montag

Consultation hours
During Semester: thursdays 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
For an appointment, please contact us a day before.

Sabine Thanner
☎ +49 (0)731 50 26551
℻ +49 (0)731/50 1226551
Π 1.41 Helmholtzstraße 8/1

Postal address
Ulm University
Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology
Institute of Psychology and Education
Dept. Molecular Psychology
Germany - 89069 Ulm

Visitor address
Zentrum für Biomedizinische Forschung
Helmholtzstraße 8/1
Germany - 89081 Ulm
Location Google Maps

bus stop:
"Botanischer Garten", tram 2 and bus line 5
15 minutes from central station