Invited Speakers

Prof. Dr. Heribert Anzinger is an associate professor for Business and Tax Law at the University of Ulm, and one of the initiators of the workshop “Computational Methods in Law in Non Common Law Jurisdictions – A European Perspective”.

After his legal studies at the University of Bayreuth and occupations inter alia at the Higher Regional Court in Munich, the Administrative Court in Venice and an advisory company in Munich specialized in insolvency law, Professor Anzinger obtained his doctorate at Darmstadt University of Technology, where he became research associate and later junior professor for tax law at the Department of Law and Economics.

His main research interests comprise the area of German, European and international corporate law, fiscal law and tax law with its links to civil law, the law of accounts, company law and capital market law.

Professor Anzinger’s publications include inter alia contributions to commentaries dealing with accounting standards, the German income tax act and corporation income tax law, as well as annotations to judgements, numerous articles and contributions to discussions for publications of the German Taxation Law Society DStJG.

He holds memberships in numerous organisations, such as the DStJG, the International Fiscal Association IFA, and the European Association of Tax Law Professors EATLP.

Prof. Dr. Zsolt György Balogh is associate professor at the Faculty of Business Administration at Corvinus University in Budapest. Additionally, Professor Balogh holds an advisory function at the Research Center for Information and Technology Law (IKJK) in Pécs and participates in different editorial bodies in the field of ICT and law.

After earning degrees in mathematics at József Attila University and in law at Janus Pannonius University of Pécs, he obtained a doctorate in law and has been working as a lecturer inter alia at Georg-August University in Göttingen.

His current fields of research include data protection and freedom of information, intellectual property rights in the information society, semantic and knowledge-based systems in law, and conceptual modelling of legal knowledge. Major research projects discussed among other topics welfare in the information society, and privacy and IT security aspects of social networks.

Professor Balogh is a member of several international organizations, as the British and Irish Legal Education Technology Association (BILETA), International Association for Artificial Intelli-gence and Law (IAAIL) and the European Academy of Law and ICT.

Prof. Dr. Martin Borowski holds a chair for Public Law, Constitutional Theory, and Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Law at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg.

Having studied law at the University of Kiel, he obtained his doctorate with the thesis "Fundamental Rights as Principles?" and was awarded his habilitation with his postdoctoral thesis "Freedom of Religion and Conscience in the Basic Law".

Later research stations included a position as Visiting Professor in Law und Feodor-Lynen Research Fellow (Humboldt Fellowship) at the School of Law at Washington-University of St. Louis, and positions at the School of Law at Westminster University London and Birmingham Law School at University of Birmingham.

He is also member of the executive committee of the German Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy after havin been vice president of the British Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy.

Professor Borowski's recent publications include, inter alia, the edited collections On the Nature of Legal Principles and Die Natur des Rechts bei Gustav Radbruch (The Nature of Law according to Gustav Radbruch).

Dr. Nadja Braun Binder is a habilitation candidate at the chair  for Public Law, Financial and Taxation Law at the German University for Administrative Sciences Speyer Prof. Dr. Joachim Wieland, LL.M). She is also coordinator of the research group “Transformation of the State During the Age of Digitalization” at the German Research Institute for Public Administration in Speyer, where she currently works on the research project “Requirements for Regulation and Legal Limits of Electronic and Fully Automated Administrative Proceedings”.

Her recent publications include the topics of electronic publications of administrative acts via portals, and automation-assisted tax assessment notes and publication via data retrieval.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidenbach holds a chair at the department of Civil Law, Law of Civil Procedure and International Commercial Law at Viadrina European University in Frankfurt (Oder) and is honorary professor for mediation, particularly business mediation, at University of Vienna.

He obtained his degree in law at Ludwig-Maximillians-University at Munich, where he also obtained his doctorate and habilitation.

Professor Breidenbach works as a mediator for disputes among major companies as well as the public space, and as an arbitrator for national and international business disputes. He is also arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration of Sports and EU consultant for numerous governments and the European Bank for Reconstruction und Development.

Beyond his academic work, Professor Breidenbach participates as co-founder of, knowledgeTools International GmbH and Blue Economy Solutions.

Dr. Micha-Manuel Bues is Managing Director at Leverton, lawyer and blogger, who focuses on the interface of law and technology and is one of few experts for digitized legal advice in Germany. 

His blog ( is one of the largest in the German-speaking countries discussing legal technology, information technology, innovation and start-ups. For this purpose, he also cultivates intensive contacts with the start-up scene in Europa and the United States.

Dr. Bues is also part of the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession (Bucerius CLP at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. At Bucerius CLP, he analyses the impacts of Legal Technology on the market for law services, including its chances and challenges for legal offices, law departments and lawyers.  Former occupations include his work as Senior Associate in the practice group for cartel law at Gleiss Lutz in Munich.

Dr. Marcel Burr is a corporate lawyer and one of the top-class lawyers in Baden-Württemberg. He was honoured for the nationwide best state law examination by the Minister of Justice. His doctoral dissertation discussed a topic in taxation law.
Dr. Burr is involved in corporate transactions for a variety of industries due to his excellent knowledge in taxation law and is also a temporary lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Heilbronn for business law topics.
After an occupation at a major international law firm, he decided to work in the region Heilbronn-Franken to offer top-class advice in business law for regional companies.

Dr. Alexey Cheptsov is a senior scientific researcher at the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS). He obtained a PhD degree in Progressive Information Technology in 2007. He was technical leader and R&D coordinator of the EU ICT projects DORII (2008-2010) and LarKC (2008-2011), accordingly. He also coordinated the HPC-Europa2 project’s Trans Access Activities in Germany during 2010-2012.

His actual research interest focuses on Big Data, virtualization (Cloud), Green-IT as well as on programming models for heterogeneous HPC infrastructures. Currently, he is involved in EU projects DreamCloud and PHANTOM.

Corinna Coupette is a Research Associate and a member of the Otto Hahn Group on Financial Regulation at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance. She is writing her PhD Thesis on Network Science in Law and studying Computer Science and Computational Linguistics at LMU Munich. Ms. Coupette studied Law at Bucerius Law School and Stanford Law School. Her research interests include Legal and Regulatory Theory, Empirical Legal Studies, and Artificial Intelligence and Law.

Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm works as a juniorprofessor at the University of Ulm within the Institute of Artificial Intelligence. Before that, she was a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford, where she worked in the Information Systems Group, mainly on developing algorithms for automated reasoning in expressive Description Logics and on the implementation of the HermiT reasoner.
After her studies of Computer Science at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Professor Glimm obtained her doctorate at the Information Management Group in Manchester. She also has a degree in Communication Design.
Her main research interests are knowledge representation and reasoning, in particular developing and implementing algorithms and optimisations for reasoning in expressive description logics.
She is an editor of the SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes specification, developed within the SPARQL Working Group of the W3C, and is currently editor of the special issue "Semantic Web" of the German Journal on Artificial Intelligence.

Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl is the director of the Institute of Distributed Systems at Ulm University and dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology.

He obtained his doctorate in 2003 and habilitation in 2009 at Ulm University. Before joining Ulm University as professor he co-founded the Arago AG and was associate professor and alter adjunct professor in the Distributed and Embedded Security group at the University of Twente.

Prof. Kargl's research interests include the area of mobile and self-organizing networks like Mobile Ad-hoc Networks or Vehicle-2-Vehicle communication. Other research focuses are on security and privacy in IT systems, and security of networked control systems like Industrial Control Systems (ICS) or building automation systems, but also security of cloud computing, Blockchain technology, and distributed graph-based computing.

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mellinghoff is President of the German Federal Fiscal Court and former member of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany.

Having studied law at the University of Münster, he worked as scientific assistant at the Institute for Fiscal Law and Taxation Law at the University of Heidelberg and at the Federal Constitutional Court before becoming judge at several courts and president of the Federal Fiscal Court in 2011. In 2007, he became honorary professor at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen.

Prof. Mellinghoff is chairman of the board of the German Taxation Law Society DStJG and of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Berlin Taxation Talks. He is also member of the Judicial Integrity Group and widely known as co-publisher of a comprehensive commentary of the German income tax act.

Prof. Dr. Günther Palm is a professor for computer science and head of the Department of Neural Information Processing at the University of Ulm, as well as chairman of the Collaborative Research Center 527 on "Integration of symbolic and subsymbolic information processing in adaptive sensorimotor systems".

After studying mathematics at the Universities of Hamburg and Tübingen, Prof. Palm worked at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen on the topics of nonlinear systems, associative memory and brain theory, and was fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin. He was also professor for theoretical brain research at the University of Düsseldorf.

His research interests include information theory, neural networks, associative memory and Hebbian cell assemblies.

Prof. Palm is co-editor of numerous journals, such as “Neural Networks” and “Neurocomputing”, as well as referee for various journals, international conferences and scientific institutions.

Prof. Dr. Monica Palmirani is an associate professor of Legal Informatics at the School of Law at Bologna University, where she also graduated in mathematics and obtained her doctorate in Legal Informatics and IT Law.

Professor Palmirani’s research interests comprise XML techniques for modelling legal documents both in structure and legal knowledge aspects, norm modelling, eParticipation and eGovernance, legal ontologies, reasoning, as well as Artificial Intelligence and Law.

Beside her academic occupation, Professor Palmirani works on the projects LegalRuleML and LegalDocML OASIS – Akoma Ntoso to achieve a rule interchange language for the legal domain and to develop a long-term storage for legal documents allowing their search, interpretation and visualisation.

She is also member of CIRSFID, one of the leading centres at the international level for the area of computer science and law, and was visiting professor in Stanford University at the CodeX Center in 2010.

Michael Poulshock is a lawyer and legal knowledge engineer who represents rules from laws and regulations as computer code.  He has led policy automation projects pertaining to tax, governmental health and benefits, data privacy and protection, financial compliance, unmanned aerial vehicles, food and drug compliance, employment, unemployment insurance, immigration, veteran’s benefits, and disaster assistance.  His clients have included the IRS, FDA, World Bank, Department of Defense, Accenture, KPMG, and the states of California, Kansas, Hawaii, Vermont, and British Columbia.  Michael is an expert in Oracle Policy Automation, the Wolfram Language (Mathematica), and C#.  He is also the founder of the Hammurabi Project, an open source computational law project that allows for the complex representation of U.S. legal rules in a large-scale system.  He is an adjunct professor at Drexel Law School in Philadelphia, a former fellow of Stanford University’s CodeX Center for Legal Informatics, and a former human rights lawyer.  He was named a Legal Rebel by the American Bar Association in 2013 and one of the Fastcase 50 in 2012.

Mr Poulshock recently became a director at KPMG.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher is professor for Databases and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Ulm and director of the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW/n).

He is widely known as an expert for innovation, impacts of technology, globalisation, and sustainable development, as well as for his participation in the Global Marshall Plan Initiative as co-founder.

After obtaining his doctorate in mathematics at RWTH Aachen in 1974 and in economics at the University of Karlsruhe in 1976, Prof. Radermacher received his habilitation in mathematics in 1982 and became professor for Applied Computer Science at the University of Passau. Numerous memberships in committees and advisory councils, as well as awards, followed.

He is member of the Club of Rome since 2002, president of the Senate of Economy since 2010 and received a honorary doctorate of the International Hellenic University in 2013.

Prof. Dr. Ekkehart Reimer holds a chair for Public Law and European and International Taxation Law at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg. He was also Co-founder and director  of the interdisciplinary graduate program "Reforms of Tax Systems and Social Systems" and part-time judge at the Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg (2009-2013). After finishing his legal studies in Heidelberg and Munich, Professor Reimer obtained his doctorate for his work about the law of double taxation treaties and attained his habilitation for the subjects Constitutional and Administrative Law including European Law, Public Finance and Tax Law. His academic work comprises numerous monographs, commentaries, editorships and articles.
Professor Reimer is inter alia member of the Association of German Professors of Constitutional Law, the German Society of Tax Law, the International Fiscal Association, and the European Association of Tax Law Professors.

Prof. Dr. Florian Schaub is an assistant professor at the School of Information at the University of Michigan.
His research focuses on empowering users to effectively manage their privacy in complex socio-technological systems. His research interests span privacy, human-computer interaction, mobile and ubiquitous computing, and the Internet of Things.
Before joining UMSI, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He holds a doctoral degree and Diplom in Computer Science from the University of Ulm, Germany, and a Bachelor in Information Technology (Multimedia Technology) from Deakin University, Australia.

Dr. Dirk Siegel is partner at Deloitte Germany at the department for Financial Services. After studying physics at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn and obtaining his doctorate in mathematics with a topic in applied mathematics at Cambridge University in 1992, he worked as a consultant and later as a partner for several international consultancy firms. Dr. Siegel’s work focuses on international transformation projects in the field of financial services, especially for insurance companies, where he addresses the interface between business processes and information technology. Therefore, his interests in this field include in particular the application of Blockchain technology, analytics and digital transformation.

Maria Claudia Solarte Vasquez is a research team member in law and technology at the Law School at Tallinn University of Technology. In addition, she is associated to the World Mediation Association, for which she holds a fellowship for Estonia. She is also member of the Scientific Committee of the Law Journal of CES University, and a visiting lecturer in fields of ADR, ODR and comparative governance.
After obtaining a degree at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Pontificial Bolivariana University she obtained a Master in international legal transactions (LLM) at the Washington College of Law of the American University. Mrs. Solarte-Vasquez enrolled in the doctoral program of the Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration, where she worked as a lecturer.
Her professional areas of interest include the rule of law in the context of the digital economy, private Internet governance, IPlaw, legal services design, contractual competences and self-regulation, legal informatics, information visualization, legal semiotics and most recently, the application of Identity Structure Analysis methods in legal research.
One of her latest publications is an co-authored article for the book The Future of Law and e-Technologies that s the basis for the application of usability factors in transaction design and for smart contracting.

Prof. Dr. Radboud Winkels is an associate professor in Computer Science and Law at the Leibniz Center for Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam.
Having received his Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam and obtaining a doctorate in the field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Professor Winkels worked as a researcher and lecturer in the field of AI at the departments of Social Science Informatics and of Law and Computer Science (now LCL).
He is currently inter alia senior lecturer and associate professor at LCL, as well as member of the editorial board for the international journal “Artificial Intelligence and Law” and president of the executive board of the International Association of AI and Law. Professor Winkels is also Dean of PPLE College, which offers a selective interdisciplinary bachelor in "Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics".
Professor Winkel’s most recent publication deals with the topic of a platform that enables a simplified access to legal information on a national and European level. The OpenLaws project also includes the analysis of semiautomatic ways of connecting sources of law, presenting first results for the law in the Netherlands.