Further education

In addition to the continuing education programme of the Human Resources Development Department, the University of Ulm offers two other central opportunities for continuing education and skills development: the Centre for Teaching Development (ZLE) and ProTrainU.

Supporting your teaching (ZLE)

If you are looking for some ideas on how to design your teaching or have questions about teaching matters, the partners at the Centre for Teaching Development (ZLE) will help you. There you will not only find a wealth of information on (online) teaching, Moodle and co., but also workshops, self-learning and (individual) counselling - tailored to your needs.

Supporting your research and career (ProTrainU)

ProTrainU is the central coordination point at the University of Ulm for support around general counselling, career development and funding for doctoral students, PhD students and young researchers. On the ProTrainU website you will find general information about doctoral studies at the University of Ulm, an overview of who you can contact in different situations of your career, the list of courses offered by ProTrainU and others, as well as information about internal university funding through ProTrainU.