Conference on "Mathematical Technology of Networks - QGraphs 2013"

December 4-7, 2013

Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld, Germany

A conference on "Mathematical Technology of Networks" will take place in Bielefeld (Germany) from the morning of December 4 to the late afternoon of December 7, 2013. It will be hosted at the ZiF (Center for Interdisciplinary Research), a renowned institute for advanced studies funded by the University of Bielefeld and the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. 

This conference aims at bringing together functional analysts, mathematical physicists, experts of dynamical systems, and probabilists who have research interests in graph theory, networks, complex systems, and/or random walks. It will ideally follow the path of previous meetings on differential equations on networks held in the past years in Blaubeuren (Germany) and Castro Urdiales (Spain) as well as the QGraph meeting series that has taken place in several German and Swedish venues since 2009.

The conference will be tentatively organized in four daily sessions on

  • Theory and spectral applications of random matrices
  • Point models and algebraic graph theory
  • Spatial models and parabolic equations on networks
  • Structure and dynamics of complex networks

An updated list of participants can be found here.

A very limited number of grants is available to enable the participation of young researchers. Please send me a CV and an estimation of your travel expenses if you are seeking (modest) financial support.

A volume of proceedings will be published by Springer in the series Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Copyright will be left to authors.

Information about accommodations during the meeting can be found here, travel directions here.

If you are interested to participate, please contact me:

* Delio Mugnolo (Universität Ulm, Germany:

or the conference secretariat at the ZiF

* Trixi Valentin (ZiF, Germany: