Health Services Research
The department's health care services related research focuses on the areas 1) effectiveness research under routine care conditions as well as 2) dissemination and 3) implementation research.
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Effectiveness Studies in Routine Health Care Settings
Die Differenzierung zwischen Wirksamkeit (efficacy) und Effektivität (effectiveness) bezeichnet forschungsmethodisch im translationalen Prozess der Evidenzgewinnung die Untersuchung neuer diagnostischer oder interventioneller Gesundheitsmaßnahmen 1) unter möglichst Laborbedingungen (efficacy) mit der Betonung auf die interne Validität und 2) unter Routineversorgungsbedingungen (effectiveness) mit der Betonung der externen Validität. Ausgehend von der Erkenntis, dass Interventionseffekte nachgewiesen in Wirksamkeitsstudien unter Routinebedingungen nicht analog aufweisbar sind, verfolgt die Abteilung in verschiedenen Studien das Ziel der Effektivitätsüberprüfung innovativer Maßnahmen, begleitet durch Forschung zu Implementierungsmöglichkeiten, die die Effektivität wirksamer Maßnahmen bestmöglich in die Routineversorgung übertragbar machen.
The multicenter project PSYCHOnlineTHERAPIE investigates different versions of blended therapy in outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment for patients with depression and anxiety disorders.
The multicentered project GET Sleep investigates the effectiveness of a stepped care model, which includes an online intervention as the second treatment step.
The multi-centre CHIMPS-NET joint project supported by the Innovation Fund is attempting to close this care gap. The Ulm sub-project iCHIMPS is concerned with the development and evaluation of an online intervention program for young people, between 12 and 18 years of age, with a mentally ill and/or addicted parent.
The multi-centric COACH project aims to implement and evaluate a patient-centered collaborative healthcare approach that optimizes treatment and comprehension of this partly undersupplied target group.
The aim of this BMBF-funded multi-centre project is to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of RehaCAT+, a web-based test system expanded to include treatment recommendations and documentation aids for depression and anxiety, in comparison to the standard diagnostic system consisting of RehaCAT without individualised recommendations ( The project will take place in two of the most common indication areas of somatic rehabilitation, orthopaedic and cardiological rehabilitation. For further information see the project outline "RehaCAT+".
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Dissemination Research and Acceptance Facilitating Interventions (AFI)
The dissemination of effective clinical interventions can have a substantial public health impact. Scientifically, the department aims at questions of increasing the reach of evidence-based diagnostic and interventional measures, as well as specifically at the question of improving the reach in populations that are currently still insufficiently covered by our health care system. An example for this are of research are so-called Acceptance Facilitating Interventions (AFI). In this context it is investigated whether specific measures can increase the reach and ultimately the uptake of evidence-based interventions. Examples of publications include
- Baumeister, H., Terhorst, Y., Grässle, C., Freudenstein, M., Nübling, R., Ebert, D.D. Impact of an acceptance facilitating intervention on psychotherapists’ acceptance of blended therapy. PlosOne, in press.
- Lin, J., Faust, B., Ebert, D. D., Krämer, L., Baumeister, H., (2018). A Web-Based Acceptance-Facilitating Intervention for Identifying Patients' Acceptance, Uptake, and Adherence of Internet- and Mobile-Based Pain Interventions: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20, e244. Doi: 10.2196/jmir.9925
- Baumeister, H., Seifferth, H., Lin, J., Nowoczin, L., Lüking, M. & Ebert, D. (2015). Impact of an Acceptance Facilitating Intervention on Patients' Acceptance of Internet-based Pain Interventions: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Clinical journal of pain, 316, 528–535. Doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000118.
- Ebert, D. D., Berking, M., Cuijpers, P., Lehr, D., Pörtner, M. & Baumeister, H. (2015). Increasing the acceptance of internet-based mental health interventions in primary care patients with depressive symptoms. A randomized controlled trial. Journal of affective disorders, 176, 9–17. Doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.01.056.
- Baumeister, H., Nowoczin, L., Lin, J., Seifferth, H., Seufert, J., Laubner, K., & Ebert, D. D. (2014). Impact of an acceptance facilitating intervention on diabetes patients' acceptance of Internet-based interventions for depression: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 105, 30–39. Doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2014.04.031.
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Implementation Research
The department scientifically accompanies the implementation of evidence-based diagnostic and intervention approaches into routine health care settings using quantitative and qualitative mixed-method approaches.
The study aims to identify and evaluate preventive services specific to the target group in order to promote mental health among green professions.
Aim of this transfer project is to implement, evaluate and validate the computer-aided diagnostic system RehaCAT for recording functional health in the orthopedic and cardiological rehabilitation.
For further information see the project outline "RehaCAT-Transfer".