Frederike Lunkenheimer, M.Sc. Psych., licensed Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)
Since 04/2018 | Research assistant and PhD student at the University of Ulm, Institute of Psychology and Education, Department Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy |
01/2020 – 12/2020 | Parental leave |
04/2017 – 03/2018 | Research assistant at Ulm University, Children and Youth Psychiatry / Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Research |
01/2017 – 06/2017 | Social worker, centre >guterhirte<, housing group Alba, Ulm |
02/2016 – 04/2016 | Internship (duration: six weeks), clinic and policlinic for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, university medicine, Mainz |
11/2015 – | Educational assistant (voluntary work), day care for individuals with dementia, catholic welfare center, Wiblingen |
08/2015 – 10/2015 | Internship (duration: ten weeks), institutional outpatient department children and youth psychiatry, university medical center, Ulm |
11/2014 – 10/2016 | Group management and educator, day nurseries and day-care centers, catholic administrative center, Ulm |
07/2014 – 09/2014 | Clinical pastoral care (voluntary work), department of dermatology and allergology, HELIOS clinic, Erfurt |
11/2012 – 09/2013 | Student assistant, faculty of education, university of Erfurt |
2011 – 09/2014 | Pedagocical ball sports trainer, day-care centers Erfurt, Mitteldeutsche Ballschule e.V., Erfurt |
03/2013 | Internship (duration: three weeks), therapy center ORDEN for people with disabilities, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) |
08/2012 – 09/2012 | Internship (duration: six weeks), clinic for children and youth psychiatry and psychotherapy, Helios clinic (hospital ward PSK 3), Erfurt |
2010 - 2011 | Interpreter (Spanish – German), Canarito Pampeño – Siempre Iniciativas Solidarias and Phocos Latin America, S.R.L., Cochabamba (Bolivia) |
Education and training
2016 - 2021 | Training program in cognitive behavioural therapy with children and adolescents at the University Ulm |
2014 – 2016 | Academic studies (graduation: master of science), psychology, Ulm University |
2011 – 2014 | Academic studies (graduation: Baccalaurea Artium), teaching, learning, training psychology and educational studies, university of Erfurt |
2010 – 2011 | Voluntary social year, therapy center for children and adolescents Canarito Pampeño, Siempre Iniciativas Solidarias, Cochabamba (Bolivia) |
2008 – 2010 | Commercial banking apprenticeship, Commerzbank, Madrid (Spain) |
1999 – 2008 | Education (graduation: Abitur), Stefan George-Gymnaisum, Bingen am Rhein |

Frederike Lunkenheimer
M.Sc. Psych., licensed Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist (CBT)
Research assistant / PhD Student
✉ frederike.lunkenheimer(at)
☎ +49-(0)731/50 32817
℻ +49-(0)731/50 32809
Π 02_03
Consultation hours
Wednesday: 9.00 - 10.00 a.m.