Dr. Ann-Marie Küchler

Since 10.2023 Research assistant and Post-Doc at Ulm University, Institute for Psychology and Education, Department for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
01.2017 - 09.2023 Research assistant and PhD student at Ulm University, Institute for Psychology and Education, Department for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
07.2016 – 12.2016 Internship: Agilent Technologies Waldbronn (Workplace Health Management)
04.2015 – 09.2015 Graduate Assistant at Freiburg University, Department for Medical Psychology and Sociology
07.2013 – 09.2015 Graduate Assistant at Freiburg University, Outpatient Clinic for Psychotherapy
02.2013 – 04.2013 Internship: Psychological Family and Life Counseling Center Esslingen-Nürtingen
02.2011 – 04-2011

Internship: Clinic for Psychosomatic and Psychotherapeutic Medicine Esslingen


10.2012 – 09.2013 Master‘s degree in Psychology at Freiburg University, Major fields of study: Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychology
10.2009 – 09.2012

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Freiburg University


Foto Ann-Marie Küchler



Dr. Ann-Marie Küchler
Resarch assistant/ Post-Doc

✉  ann-marie.kuechler(at)uni-ulm.de
☎ +49-(0)731/50 32812
℻ +49-(0)731/50 32809
Π  02_01

Consultation hours
on appointment