About Us

The Institute of Physiological Chemistry is headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Wirth. Our lab groups work on the analysis of molecular mechanisms of cellular differentiation. We study the consequences of deregulated signaling pathways in disease development and progression.
Teaching activities involve lectures, seminars and practical courses in biochemistry/ molecular biology for students in medicine, dentistry, molecular medicine and biochemistry. This includes the possibility for lab rotations as well as the supervision of projects for bachelor, master, MD and PhD theses.
- Phone: +49 (0)731/50-23271
Fax: +49 (0)731/50-22892 - Office
- Postal Address:
- University of Ulm
- Institute of Physiological Chemistry
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11 - D-89081 Ulm
- Suppliers Address:
- University of Ulm
- Institute of Physiological Chemistry
- N27
D-89081 Ulm