Dr. Thomas Kimmel

Projekt Mata Atlântica


Succession of secondary forest in NE Brazil; plant-animal interactions; direct seeding


Floral Diversity of Secondary Vegetation Physiognomies (Capoeiras) in the Atlantic Rainforest Region of Pernambuco, Brazil


Kimmel T., Nascimento L., Piechowski D., Sampaio E., Rodal M., Gottsberger G. 2009. Pollination and Seed Dispersal Modes of Woody Species of 12-Year-Old Secondary Forest in the Atlantic Forest Region of Pernambuco, NE Brazil (eingereicht bei der Zeitschrift Flora).

Kimmel T., Piechowski D., Gottsberger 2008. The history of fragmentation of the lowland Atlantic Forest of Pernambuco, Brazil. Biorem. Biodiv. Bioavail. 2: 1-4.


Kimmel T., Gottsberger G. 2008 “Direct seeding of native tree species in secondary vegetation in the Atlantic Forest region of Pernambuco/Brazil” GTÖ Konferenz 2008, Universität Hohenheim. Poster

Kimmel T., Gottsberger G. 2007 “O ser humano – um dispersor efeitivo de árvores nativas da Mata Atlântica Pernambucana?” A Botânica no Brasil, pesquisa, ensino e políticas públicas ambientais. 58° Congesso Nacional de Botânica, São Paulo 2007. Poster.

Kimmel T., Gottsberger G. 2005 „Floral diversity of a successional plant community in the Atlantic rainforest region in Pernambuco, Brazil“, GTÖ Konferenz 2005, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. Vortrag und Poster.


Briefadresse: Universität Ulm, Institut für Botanik, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, D-89069 Ulm

Sekretariat: Evelyn Laible-Schmid & Anne Öfele | Tel: +49 (0)731/50-23301 | Fax: +49 (0)731/50-23320