The Core Facility Management acts as an interface between the Core Facilities, scientists and the Faculty administration to ensure accessibility, visibility, transparency, and financial sustainability of research core facilities at the Medical Faculty of Ulm University.
We are the central contact point for all interested parties regarding the range of services and equipment available at the Core Facilities.
Our main fields of activity are:
• Organisation & communication
• Finances & accounting of CF usage
• Administration & support with the booking software
• Concept development
• Networking and external representation
Why does it matter?
Acknowledging the usage of our Core Facilities in your publications is a critical and important key indicator to us and the University. It helps our scientists grow and apply for funding, in order to offer you highest expertise and state-of-the-art research infrastructure for your projects. Users of the Core Facilities of the Medical Faculty are therefore obligated to acknowledge the facility in formal publications and presentations, which include data generated in the facility. We also appreciate receiving reprints or PDFs of such publications to use in our yearly reports.
Important note: If the Core Facility has made a significant scientific contribution to your research project (e.g. method development, design of new experimental set-ups or experiments, advanced data interpretation, etc.), co-authorship in the publication is justified.
How to acknowledge?
In accordance with the DFG recommendations (section 13.1) we kindly ask you to use the following phrase to acknowledge your usage of the instrumentation and/or support of a core facility. The phrase can of course be extended with specific services used within the core facility.
We would like to thank the Core Facility [name] of the Medical Faculty at Ulm University for providing support and instrumentation [if applicable:] funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Projektnummer [project number].
The project numbers of the instrument based Core Facilities (with major instrumentation grants from the DFG) like Imaging, Flow Cytometry and Mass Spectrometry are available in the table below. The service based Core Facilities like Genomics, Transgenic Mice and Organoids should also be acknowledged in the proposed way, without the project number reference.
Core Facility | Instrument | DFG project number |
Small Animal Imaging | Bruker 11.7 T MRI | 60618142 |
Laser Microdissection | Zeiss PALM Microbeam | 325442974 |
Mass Spectrometry | Orbitrap Velos Elite | 201145859 |
Immune Monitoring | Cytek Aurora | 514808265 |
PET/MR | Siemens Biograph mMR | 356968953 |
Light Microscopy | Zeiss 710 | 170469596 |
Leica SP8 | 257897648 | |
Experimental Human MRI | Siemens 3T MR Prisma | 250849094 |
Phillips 3T MR Achieva | HBFG 182/388-1 | |
Cytometry | BD FACSAria II GG001 | 68236468 |
BD FACSAria III BK173 | 162388165 | |
BD FACSAria III KH014 | 161220275 | |
Helios Mass Cytometer | 277016456 | |
Gerätezentrum MoMAN | 447235146 |
Please also see our general guidelines for the operation of the Core Facilities of the Medical Faculty and contact the CF Management in case of any questions.
(Internal users only, Document in German, please inquire if you need assistance.)