
Awareness through Science Education for Ecosystem Ecology, Society and Management - an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership

The aim of the three-year project is to increase knowledge and awareness of climate change-induced environmental changes in selected areas of Europe and to address deficits in the public debate on ecological issues. Three summer schools lasting several days form the core of the project, which is being carried out jointly with partners from Estonia (Eesti Maaülikool), the Czech Republic (University of South Bohemia), France (Université d'Aix Marseille), Germany (Goethe University Frankfurt, simpleFilm GmbH) and Ukraine (Ukrainian National Forestry University). This and the other activities are intended to bring students, teachers and people with expert knowledge into exchange and to develop a transnational European network for transdisciplinary and cooperative learning. Stakeholders from the natural and social sciences as well as from society will be integrated. A special feature is that short educational films will also be produced. The University of Ulm is coordinating the project.



Dr. Eva Keppner
Raum: HeHo 18; E.23



Prof. Dr. Michael Hiete

Helmholtzstr. 18, E22

Fon: 0731 50-30711

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