Bachelor and Master Theses


Students intending to write a Bachelor or Master thesis are very welcome to contact Alexander Lindner or Robert Stelzer. Topics in financial mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics are continuously on offer.

Students from all mathematical programmes (i.e. in particular BSc/MSc Mathematics, Mathematics and Economics, Mathematical Biometry and MSc Finance) are very welcome. Please also do not hesitate to contact us if you are studying BSc/MSc Business Studies and Economics and are interested in working on an econometric topic in your thesis.

Please write an email summarising your interests and in detail the courses taken during your studies, as well as the time when you want to start with your thesis. Moreover, please come a week or two after sending the email with the information to our contact hours.

Possible topics for master theses include: to follow 

Possible topics for bachelor theses include: to follow



Topics of former Bachelor, Master and Diploma Theses supervised by Robert Stelzer you find here and supervised by Alexander Lindner here.

