Zusammenstellung von Bildern aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich


Guest lecture: Cardiomyocyte behavior during zebrafish heart development, Prof. Didier Stainier

Ulm University

Prof. Dr. Didier Stainier

Director, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim

“Cardiomyocyte behavior during zebrafish heart development”

Thursday, 15.12.2016, 11:00

N27, multimedia‐room

Host: Prof. Gilbert Weidinger, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Over many years, Didier Stainier has made fundamental contributions to our understanding of organ development. Using mainly the zebrafish model, he has uncovered important principles underlying the formation of the cardiovascular system (Nature 2016, elife 2015, Dev. Cell 2014, Science 2009, Nature 2000) and of endodermal organs (PLOS Genetics 2015, PLOS Genetics 2012, Dev. Cell 2008,Genes Dev 2008, Nature 2006, Science 2003). He has also contributed to the ongoing discussions about the phenotypic differences observed between gene knockouts vs knockdowns (Nature 2015).

The seminar series „Cell biology, development and regeneration” is jointly organized by:

Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Institute of Comparative Molecular Endocrinology
Institute of General Physiology
Molecular Cardiology lab