The school system in Baden-Württemberg is very diverse. A wide variety of educational offers and educational paths are available for a wide variety of age groups. For this, teachers with specialized qualification profiles are required. Nevertheless, the path to the teacher shows common ground.
The reformed training path consists of three phases:
After acquiring the university entrance qualification (usually the Abitur), a teacher-related bachelor's degree with a school-specific profile is completed at one of the state universities or teacher training colleges. The study program has a standard study period of 6 semesters and is geared to one of the following school-specific profiles:
- Primary school teacher training
- Teaching Qualification Secondary Level I
- Teaching High Schools
- Teaching Special Education
The master's degree program is based on the teacher training-related bachelor's degree program and has a school-specific profile. With the degree "Master of Education" after 4 semesters of standard study time, you can enter the preparatory service.
The preparatory service for the chosen teaching profession, also called legal clerkship, is the last step and qualifies you to practice the profession as a teacher.
On the page Career goal: teacher and teaching, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Baden-Württemberg provides detailed information about the individual teaching positions and future recruitment opportunities in the public school service in Baden-Württemberg.