Below, you will find answers to frequently asked questions from our students of the teacher training program at the University of Ulm. If you have any further questions about your studies, don't hesitate to get in touch with our student advisory service.
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The current events of our Bachelor of Education and Master of Education can be found under:
Course Catalog
If module examinations in the course of study are not successfully completed within a specified time or if they have not passed several times, this may lead to a loss of the right to the examination in one subject or in the entire course of study. The study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree program Teaching at grammar schools of 24.08.2015 (StPO) define criteria for a loss of the right to take exams. § 6 of the StPO sets deadlines by which module examinations must be passed.
- At the end of the 3. Semester: Until the end of the examination period in the third semester, at least one graded examination performance must be successfully completed in each subject in the second attempt at the latest. The examination performance in question can be specified in more detail in Appendix B of the StPO for the individual subjects.
- At the end of the 6. Semester: In each of the selected subjects, module examinations of at least 40 ECTS must be successfully completed by the end of the examination period of the sixth semester.
- At the end of the 10. Semesters: All module examinations of the study program must be successfully completed by the end of the examination period in the tenth semester.
Exceeding the deadline or failing to pass module exams despite repetitions usually leads to a loss of the right to take the exam in the chosen subject or for the entire bachelor's examination of the course of study. In such cases, please get in touch with the student advisory service or the examination committee in good time. In special cases, there is the possibility of an extension of the deadline by the examination committee.
The repetition of module exams is regulated in § 20 StPO (please read).
Failed module exams can be repeated. Passed exams cannot be repeated (keyword: "grade improvement"). If a module examination consists of several partial examinations, only the exams that have not been passed must be repeated.
As a rule, module exams can be repeated twice. Exceptions are:
- The bachelor thesis. This can be repeated once;
- The master's thesis. This can be repeated once;
- The module examination is to be taken in each subject by the end of the third semester (see above).
Drafts for study plans of each subject combination in the Bachelor and Master at the University of Ulm can be found in the following document:
Drafts of study plans
The Framework Requirements Ordinance for Teacher Training Courses - RahmenVO-KM of 27. April 2015 is the nationwide basis for the teacher training courses in Baden-Württemberg. Based on these requirements, the individual universities design their study and examination regulations.
Framework Regulation of the Ministry of Culture
The “Study and examination regulations of the University of Ulm for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in teaching at grammar schools” describes the legal framework of the studies.
Here you will find, for example, information about
- the study and examinations to be completed,
- time limits for the study, in particular for examinations, resp. (?)
- Repetition opportunities in case of failed exam attempts.
Study and Examination Regulations of the University of Ulm
The module descriptions present the learning results and contents of the module. They provide information about the necessary prior knowledge, the teaching and learning forms, the grading of the module grade, and the estimated workload. The module descriptions can be found in the module manual.
The Master of Education Admission Statute describes the formal criteria that must be met within the framework of the previous studies in order to be admitted to the Master's degree program.
This is generally possible. For more detailed information, contact the Central Student Advisory Service.
This may be possible. Before you take the module, please get in touch with the academic subject advisory service of the respective subject or the examination committee for teaching qualification in the respective subject. The responsible persons can be found on the pages linked below. The examination committee ultimately decides whether the compulsory elective module can be taken or not.
For funding by the BAföG you need after the 4th Semester a certificate of achievement stating that you have reached the usual level of study until then. Teacher training students of the University of Ulm, please contact Prof. Dr. Franz J. Hauck Please enclose your current transcript of records.
Yes, like all other students, you have the opportunity to be supported by a scholarship. Further information can be found on the following pages:
The first point of contact for such situations is the psychosocial counseling center of the Studierendenwerk of the University of Ulm. On the Psychosocial Counseling Center website, you will also find information about the effects of psychosocial counseling on a possible civil service.
Psychosocial Counseling Center
Comparable study and examination achievements from other courses of study or from other universities can be recognized by the respective specialist representative of the examination committee on request. To do this, fill out the application for recognition of study and examination achievements.
Audit Committee
Application for recognition of study and examination achievements
For admission to the Master of Education program at the University of Ulm, it is assumed that the bachelor's degree has study components in two subject sciences: subject didactics, educational sciences, and school practical studies. Further information can be found in § 3 Access requirements of the Admission Statute of the Masters of Education.