M.Sc. Lucas Weihrauch

Since 2023 Research Associate at the Department Work and Organizational Psychology at Ulm University  
Seit 2021 (Junior) Consultant for aptitude diagnostics at ||| meta | five | gmbh – human performance consulting  
2018 - 2020 M.Sc.-Studies of Psychology at Ulm University  
2014 - 2018 Studies of Business Psychology at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences

Research Interests:

  • Personnel selection
  • Technology-mediated interviews
  • Personality assessment in the work context




Lucas Weihrauch
Research Associate

☎ +49-(0)731/50 31745

Π 47.1.269


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Watrin, L., Weihrauch, L., & Wilhelm, O. (2023). The criterion-related validity of conscientiousness in personnel selection: A meta-analytic reality check. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 31(2), 286-301. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsa.12413

Stoll, T., Weihrauch, L., & Baumann, M. (2020). After you: Merging at highway on-ramps. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 64(1), 1105-1109. https://doi.org/10.1177/1071181320641266

Conference Contributions

Weihrauch, L., Basch, J. M., & Melchers, K. G. (2024, May 28–29). Chances of performing well in asynchronous video interviews---effects of individual differences [Poster presentation]. 7th Biennial ENESER Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Weihrauch, L., Basch, J. M., & Melchers, K. G. (2024, April 17–20). Which interviewees perform better in asynchronous video interviews? Effects of individual differences. In D. M. Powell (Chair), Reducing Bias and Improving Accuracy in Asynchronous Video Interviews [Symposium]. 39th Annual SIOP Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.

Weihrauch, L., Zimny, L., & Wilhelm, O. (2023, September 13.–15.). Validität von Gewissenhaftigkeit in der Personalauswahl - Spiegeln wissenschaftliche Metaanalysen die Realität wieder? [Validity of conscientiousness in personnel selection---Do scientific meta-analyses represent reality?; Poster Session]. 13th Conference of AOW and Engineering Psychology, Kassel, Germany.

Weihrauch, L. (1.–2. Dezember 2022). Validität von Gewissenhaftigkeit in der Personalauswahl - Spiegeln wissenschaftliche Meta-Analysen die Realität wieder? [Validity of conscientiousness in personnel selection---Do scientific meta-analyses represent reality?; Conference talk]. 10th Assessment Congress, Potsdam, Germany. https://www.forum-assessment-kongress.de/programm/themen/eignungsdiagnostik/38-ed-validitaet-von-gewissenhaftigkeit-in-der-personalauswahl-spiegeln-wissenschaftliche-meta-analysen-die-realitaet-wieder

Practitioner Papers

Wallmichrath, K., Weihrauch, L., & Schwarz, M. (2022). Teams auf dem Prüfstand - Das Assessment Center als Auswahlinstrument für Dienstleister [Putting teams to the test---the assessment center as a selection tool for service providers]. Personalführung, 10/2022, 32-37. https://www.meta-five.com/download/fachartikel/220929_Fachartikel_Teams-auf-dem-Pruefstand.pdf