M. Sc. Julia Büttner

since 2022 Research Associate at the Department Work and Organizational Psychology at Ulm University  
2019 - 2022 M.Sc.-Studies of Psychology at Ulm University
Focus: Personnel & Organizational Psychology and Human Factors & Training
2016 - 2019 B.Sc.-Studies of Psychology at Ulm University


Julia Büttner
Research Associate

☎ +49-(0)731/50 31742
℻ +49-(0)731/50 31749
Π 47.1.265

Research Interests

  • Personnel selection
  • Technology-mediated selection interviews
  • Biases in personnel selection and possible countermeasures
  • Subgroup differences


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Basch, J. M., Melchers, K. G., & Büttner, J. C. (2022). Preselection in the digital age: A comparison of perceptions of asynchronous video interviews with online tests and online application documents in a simulation context. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 30(4), 639-652. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsa.12403

Conference Contributions

Büttner, J. C., Degenbeck, V. K., Schütz, V. G., & Melchers, K. G. (2024, May 28–29). Applicants’ perceptions of anonymized application procedures: Do explanations improve candidates’ experience? In E. Derous (Chair) Candidate Experience & Employer Branding [Presentation]. 7th Biennial ENESER Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Büttner, J. C., & Melchers, K. G. (2024, 17–20). Job ad gender cues and women’s and men’s interest in a job—a meta-analysis [Poster presentation]. 39th Annual SIOP Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.

Büttner, J. C., Degenbeck, V. K., & Melchers, K. G. (2023, September 13–15). Wie bewerten potentielle Bewerberinnen und Bewerber anonymisierte Bewerbungsverfahren? [How do potential applicants evaluate anonymized application procedures?]. In J. C. Büttner, & D. Vesper (Chairs), Ungleichheit am Arbeitsplatz und bei Auswahlverfahren [Inequality in the workplace and in selection procedures; Symposium]. 13th Conference of AOW and Engineering Psychology, Kassel, Germany.

Büttner, J. C., Basch, J. M., & Melchers, K. G. (2023, April 19–22). Does Eye Contact Contribute to Better Interview Performance Ratings in Videoconference Interviews? In K. G. Melchers, & J. M. Basch (Chairs), Technology-mediated interviews: Candidate reactions and process insights [Symposium]. 38th Annual SIOP Conference, Boston, MA, USA.

Büttner, J. C., & Melchers, K. G. (2022, September 12–15). Der erste Eindruck zählt! Wann weckt ein Postertitel Interesse am Poster? [First impressions matter! How does a poster title evoke interest in the poster? Poster presentation]. 52nd DGPs-Congress, Hildesheim, Germany. https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/dgps2022/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DGPsKongress2022_Abstractband_20220926.pdf