Basic Clinician Scientist Programme of the Medical Faculty (CASCADE 1.0)

The University Medicine needs Clinician Scientists

The application deadline for the funding period 2024/27 has passed.

The next call for the funding period 2025/28 is planned in autumn 2024. We will inform in time here on our homepage.

The Basic Clinician Scientist Programme (Basic CSP) of the Medical Faculty is a junior researcher program in which physicians during their specialist training are (partially) released from clinical work for scientific research. The goal of this program is to help them start their own research projects that enable them to achieve the previous work and publications that are usually required to successfully attract third-party funding.

Documents/Forms for downloading (in German only)

For an initial application (entry into the 1st, 2nd or 3rd CSP year) please submit the following documents:

  1. Application form - Basic CSP
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) including list of publications (max. 10) and list of third-party funds
  3. PhD certificate
  4. Qualification/Career Development Plan
  5. Confirmation of the clinical institution regarding the leave from clinical work and the partial financing of the candidate:
  6. Confirmation of the clinical institution regarding the continued employment of the candidate following the Clinician Scientist Program
  7. Confirmation of the hosting institution regarding lab-/office workplace and financing of bench fees and travel costs

The description of the application process can be found in the General Conditions.

The interim evaluation takes place at the end of the 2nd CSP year in the course of the Spring and Fall Meetings of IGradU (oral presentation / poster). Following the interim evaluation, an interim report needs to be submitted to the coordination office. This must be based on the originally submitted milestone plan / career development plan and should be drawn up together with the mentors. Any deviations from the original milestone plan / career development plan must be justified in detail. The interim report will be submitted to the Clinician Sientist Board.

CSP participants are required to submit a final report (using the form provided) to the Center for Research Strategy and Support via e-mail to Dr. Lysann Palkowitsch within six months after the end of the funding.

Mobility Programme

Participants of the Clinician Scientist Programme can apply for travel funds within the Mobility Programme. The prerequisite is that the Clinician Scientist is a member of Ulm University.

The approval of a business trip requires, inter alia, the active participation of the applicant in the event (poster, talk).

Please submit the following documents in full and at least 4 weeks before travelling to the coordination office:

Detailed application information can be found in the form Mobility Program Application form on the last page.



Dr. Lysann Palkowitsch

Ulm University
Center for Research Strategy and Support
Helmholtzstr. 22 / room 1.49
89081 Ulm, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)731/50-33634

CSP platform

A shared, protected folder is available in the kiz CloudStore for mutual exchange and networking among the Clinician Scientists. This folder is only accessible to Clinician Scientists within the CSP. The kiz-Account is required for registration. The seminar schedule of the CSP seminar series can also be found here.