Invited Talks

The IWSDS 2012 program committee is very happy to announce that following invited speakers have kindly accepted to participate in the workshop:


  • Jérôme R. Bellegarda, Apple Inc., USA

"Spoken Language Understanding for Natural Interaction: the Siri Experience"

  • Axel Buendia, SpirOps, France

"From informative cooperative dialogues to long term social relation with a robot"

  • Jonathan Ginzburg, University Paris-Diderot, France
  • Alex Waibel, KIT, Germany; CMU, USA and IMMI, France

"Multi- and Cross-Lingual Dialog Systems"

  • Marilyn Walker, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA, Jennifer Sawyer, Grace Lin and Sam Wing

"Does personality matter?: Expressive Generation for Dialogue Interaction"