PD Dr. Marcin Orzechowski

Since April 2023 Managing Director of Research Ethics Committee of the Ulm University. 2022 habilitation for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine.

Studied political science, journalism and public relations at the Akademia Humanistyczna im. Aleksandra Gieysztora (Pułtusk, Poland). 2005-2008, study of British and American Studies and Law at the University of Konstanz. In 2015 received Ph.D. in political science at the University of Konstanz with the work “Climate Change and Conflict in Africa 1990-2009”.

2012-2013, lecturer at the University of Konstanz; expert researcher at the University of Konstanz in project “MORAPOL – comparative Analysis of Moral Policy Change“ (2013); research assistant in project „Traditional Institutions in Africa“ (2013-2014); 2016, lecturer at the University of Konstanz.

2012-2017, associated researcher at the “Environmental Studies and Policy Research Institute” (Wrocław, Poland), supervisor of the research group „Environment and Conflict“. Since October 2016, research fellow at the Institute of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, Ulm University. Research assistant in projects “Ethical, legal and social aspects of invasive and non-invasive genetic prenatal diagnostics in Germany and Poland”, “Praxis of patient information in the induced pluripotent stem cells research”, "Migration as a Challenge for Medicine", "Forced labor and medicine" and "Healthcare as a Public Space".

Main research fields: morality and policy change in Europe; ethical, legal and societal aspects of prenatal medicine; politicized medicine in German Democratic Republic and Polish Peoples’ Republic; current ethical challenges of diversity in healthcare.


publication list (PDF)