

D. Kissinger and R. Weigel, "European Microwave Week 2013" , Aug. 2014.
A. Gharib, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A 70 GHz Bandwidth Low-Power Active Balun Employing Common-Collector Resistive Feedback in 0.35 µm Bipolar SiGe Technology" in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Tampa, FL, Jun. 2014, pp. 1-3.
J. Nehring, I. Nasr, K. Borutta, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A Silicon Integrated Microwave Vector Network Analyzer for Biomedical Sensor Read-Out Applications" in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Tampa, FL, Jun. 2014, pp. 1-4.
F. Trenz, R. Weigel, G. Fischer and D. Kissinger, "Compact 2-28 GHz Planar Multi-Octave Bandwidth Wilkinson Power Dividers" in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Tampa, FL, Jun. 2014, pp. 1-4.
D. Kissinger, "Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits and Systems", Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, Jun. 2014.
U. Schwerthoeffer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "Highly Sensitive Microwave Resonant Near-Field Sensor for Precise Aqueous Glucose Detection in Microfluidic Medical Applications" in Proc. IEEE Int. Instrum. Meas. Technol. Conf., Montevideo, Uruguay, Mai 2014, pp. 919-922.
D. Dudek, G. P. Fettweis, L. Frey, D. Kissinger, C. Kutter, W. Mathis, P. Lugli, P. Russer, R. Weigel and I. Wolff, "Hidden Electronics" , Apr. 2014.
J. Nehring, G. Fischer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "An 8-32 GHz Frequency Synthesizer based on a Wideband VCO Array with Bandwidth Extension Stage" in Proc. German Microw. Conf., Aachen, Germany, Mä. 2014, pp. 1-4.
U. Schwerthoeffer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "Microwave Sensor for Precise Permittivity Characterization of Liquids used for Aqueous Glucose Detection in Medical Applications" in Proc. German Microw. Conf., Aachen, Germany, Mä. 2014, pp. 1-2.
A. Schwarzmeier, J. Besser, R. Weigel, G. Fischer and D. Kissinger, "A Compact Back-Plaster Sensor Node for Dementia and Alzheimer Patient Care" in Proc. IEEE Sensors Appl. Symp., Queenstown, New Zealand, Feb. 2014, pp. 75-78.
G. Fischer, D. Kissinger, G. Guarin, F. Grimminger, A. Radwan and G. Bozsik, "Innovatives nano-elektronisches Mikrowellenmodul für nicht-invasive medizinische Sensorik für mobile AAL-Anwendungen" , Feb. 2014.
A. Schwarzmeier, R. Weigel, G. Fischer and D. Kissinger, "A Low-Power Fall Detection and Activity Monitoring System for Nursing Facilities and Hospitals" in Proc. IEEE Topical Conf. Biomed. Wireless Technol. Netw. Sens. Syst., Newport Beach, CA, Jan. 2014, pp. 28-30.
U. Schwerthoeffer, C. Warter, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A Microstrip Resonant Biosensor for Aqueous Glucose Detection in Microfluidic Medical Applications" in Proc. IEEE Topical Conf. Biomed. Wireless Technol. Netw. Sens. Syst., Newport Beach, CA, Jan. 2014, pp. 55-57.
F. Grimminger, G. Kowalczyk, H. Unterassinger, A. Schwarzmeier, G. Fischer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "Asynchronous Subthreshold CMOS Event Detector for Wireless BAN Sensor Nodes" in Proc. IEEE Topical Conf. Biomed. Wireless Technol. Netw. Sens. Syst., Newport Beach, CA, Jan. 2014, pp. 22-24.


I. Nasr, B. Laemmle, K. Aufinger, G. Fischer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A 70-90-GHz High-Linearity Multi-Band Quadrature Receiver in 0.35 µm SiGe Technology", IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 4600-4612, Dez. 2013.
U. Schwerthoeffer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A Highly Sensitive Glucose Biosensor Based on a Microstrip Ring Resonator" in Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Series RF Wireless Technol. Biomed. Healthcare Appl., Singapore, Dez. 2013, pp. 1-3.
D. Kissinger, "BioWireless 2014 (Feature Column)", IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 156, Nov. 2013.
I. Nasr, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A 50 to 100 GHz Frequency Synthesizer with 17 dB Side-Band Suppression Using a Single VCO Core" in Proc. Eur. Microw. Integr. Circuits Conf., Nuremberg, Germany, Okt. 2013, pp. 89-92.
A. Gharib, G. Fischer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A Broadband 24 GHz Bandwidth 54 dB Gain 180-mW Amplifier Employing Common-Collector Combined with Capacitive Controlled Cross-Coupled Feedback in 0.35 " in Proc. IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits Technol. Meeting, Bordeaux, France, Okt. 2013, pp. 115-118.
J. Nehring, I. Nasr, G. Fischer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A Single-Chip 15-32 GHz Signal Source in SiGe Bipolar Technology" in Proc. Eur. Microw. Integr. Circuits Conf., Nuremberg, Germany, Okt. 2013, pp. 85-88.
K. Borutta, B. Laemmle, C. Wagner, L. Maurer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "Design and Breakdown Behavior of 77 GHz Variable Gain Power Amplifiers in SiGe Technology" in Proc. Eur. Microw. Integr. Circuits Conf., Nuremberg, Germany, Okt. 2013, pp. 572-575.
R. Agethen, M. PourMousavi, P. Mengs, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "FPGA-based Signal Control for Highly Integrated 60 GHz Radar Distance Measurements" in Proc. Eur. Radar Conf., Nuremberg, Germany, Okt. 2013, pp. 121-124.
S. Linz, G. Fischer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "A Multiband Two-Port Vector Network Analyzer based on Six-Port-Junctions for Biomedical Measurement Applications between 6 GHz and 33 GHz (invited)" in Proc. IEEE APS Topical Conf. Antennas Propag. Wireless Commun., Turin, Italy, Sep. 2013, pp. 532-535.
J. Nehring, R. Weigel, G. Fischer and D. Kissinger, "A Wideband Scalar Network Analyzer for Biomedical Dehydration Measurements" in Proc. Int. Conf. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc., Osaka, Japan, Jul. 2013, pp. 4050-4053.
G. Guarin, G. Fischer, R. Weigel and D. Kissinger, "Microwave-based Noninvasive Sensing for Biomedical Applications", IEEE Life Sciences Newsletter, Jul. 2013.